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New fox call?


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The Wam is a brilliant fox call, but prone to damage, as you have done. I have many home made calls which are excellent. I normally use two magnum lolly sticks, with a piece of video tape/thin plastic, sandwiched between them. You can produce varying results by using different/thicker plastic.

Give it a go. :blink:

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I use a teal whistle (Similar to the WAM but cheaper and much stronger) which I got off fleebay for something like £4.00 or so. I drilled a small hole (About 1/16 of an inch) through the edge of it and fitted it to a lanyard and it works fine for me and seems to pull charlie in quite well. As has been said, the WAM is "fragile" and prone to damage but the Teal Whistle is much stronger and cheaper and, to be honest, I don't think there is much difference in sound between the two.

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