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A lack of rabbits

Doc Holliday

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Having had a couple of people give me permission to shoot in their gardens (one about 2.5 acres and the other about 4 acres) I am struggling to find any decent number of rabbits. They swear that they have a considerable number in and around their gardens but I have only ever seen 3 at most in any one spot.


Having thoroughly scouted the gardens and boundaries to see where the main activity is, I hole up and lay in wait only to be disappointed after a couple of hours. Gets quite embarrassing telling them "another no show tonight" or "saw a couple but out of range or on the other side of the boundary". I have had a couple from snaring but even that was pretty dismal (2 out of 14 set). Even lamping doesn't seem to produce any results.


So I'm wondering if there is something I am doing which is alerting them to my presence or maybe they just come out in the wee hours. I generally get there about an hour before dusk and sit it out until around 8 pm. I make sure I'm not standing out against my surroundings, camo jacket & trousers, gloves, hat, etc. I try not to move too much so have my comfy piece of sponge to sit on but the little blighters are intent on staying out of my clutches.


Any advice to increase booty would be most gratefully received.



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ask the people when they see the rabbits mostly - if they see them in the morning hit them then, if they see them in the afternoon... :good:


though some peoples idea of a considerable number is anything more than two :)



well, that was my thought on it. I'm not going to moan about it to them, I'm just grateful I've got somewhere to shoot live quarry albeit a bit thin on the ground. Just hope they don't get put off or think I'n not interested if I only go once a fortnight or there abouts. Hopefully the lighter evenings will bring something more rewarding :yes:


in the meantime, I'll just have to sneak in the odd one from the butchers now & then to make it look like I've been having some success here & there. :lol:


Thanks for the reply anyway, Babs.

Edited by Doc Holliday
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well, that was my thought on it. I'm not going to moan about it to them, I'm just grateful I've got somewhere to shoot live quarry albeit a bit thin on the ground. Just hope they don't get put off or think I'n not interested if I only go once a fortnight or there abouts. Hopefully the lighter evenings will bring something more rewarding :good:


in the meantime, I'll just have to sneak in the odd one from the butchers now & then to make it look like I've been having some success here & there. :)


Thanks for the reply anyway, Babs.


To be honest I have a few gardens and paddocks I shoot but the owners always seem to reckon there are plenty about-I argue they are just looking at the same one twice.


On 2.5 and 4 acres you are not going to see what is considered a lot, but in reality more than enough for an that size of area.


Keep trying you will pick them sometime, keep the owners happy in attendance, you often get a bit more!!!

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i have a permission of around 2.5 acres, it was a field used for horses but they got rid of them so it made it possible for me to shoot it. I estimated it had 100+ in the surrounding burrows, i shot 18 in my first shoot over it at dusk.


Id be guessing there are maybe not as many there as they say but its still possible to hold alot of rabbits on a piece of land that size.


check for fresh diggings and droppings, or find a friend with some ferrets.

good luck tho

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