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Im really sorry for this stupid question.

Im insured with BASC my they dont have me on the system :yes: . Do i really need insurance?:)

But if im going to have to repay the amount if they carn't sort it out i carn't for a while as im short on funds .


Again sorry

Edited by Sqwelchy
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Im really sorry for this stupid question.

Im insured with BASC my they dont have me on the system :yes: . Do i really need insurance?:)

But if im going to have to repay the amount if they carn't sort it out.


Again sorry



I got lost with the question, but would suggest EVERY shooter should have insurance!

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i have heared this alot lately with basc .


i will now plug the nobs insurance package which rivals basc and is just £20 a year for adults .


NOBS and SACS create a close working relationship


The National Organisation of Beaters and Pickers Up (NOBS) is delighted to announce that it has formed an alliance with the Scottish Association for Country Sports (SACS).


Under the terms of the agreement, both organisations retain complete independence and autonomy, but will work together in close co-operation on all matters relating to country sports.


As a result of this alliance, NOBS now provides its members with £5 million public liability insurance and £100,000 legal fees insurance, covering a huge range of country pursuits including shooting.


The Public Liability insurance will ensure that its members are protected against claims made against them for their actions when involved in country sports, and the legal fees insurance will mean that for the first time, legal fees involved in fighting appeals against revocation or curtailment of their shotgun and firearm certificates, or in defending them against charges under the various Wildlife and Countryside Acts, will be covered by their insurance and allow expert and specialised legal representation at no cost to them.


NOBS and SACS are now the only two country sports organisations which provide this type of legal fees insurance to all of their members.

Further details can be found by contacting NOBS direct on 08456 345014.


We are hugely grateful to SACS for supporting NOBS members and look forward to working in association with them in the future.


For further information please contact us on 08456 345014

or visit www.nobs.org.uk :yes:

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i nearly joined NOBS this year after talking to someone at the newark game fair(robinhood fair).


the only reason i did'nt is i felt BASC would be a better option for me.next year if the building trade picks up i think i'll join BASC and NOBS.remember these are organisations that need our support for the future of our sport.


anyway thats my two penneth worth :yes:


all the best russ



oh and before i forget,i hope you get your details sorted :)

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When you joined on line you would have had an e-mail back from us confirming your payment AND your membership number.


Also, in your membership pack would have been your membership card, attached to a full colour A4 sheet, which had your name and address AND membership number on it in the top left hand side.


Send me this number by PM or e-mail me at david.ilsley@basc.org.uk and I will sort it out for you.


Yes every shooter should be insured and every shooter should know exactly what they are insured for and more importantly what they are not insured for!


So please check the policy wording and please make sure you know hewn the policy will NOT pay out, you may be in for a nasty shock with some of the less expensive membership options out there.


BUT more importantly as pegleg31 says, the insurance should only be a very small part of why you join an organisation, you should join the organisation for what they do and deliver for the protection of your sport.


By that way I have to wait over three months for my NOBS membership to get processed!



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As I said, look carefully at the EXCLUSIONS on the policy tough - see here form the NGO web site:




But as I said also, more importantly look at what the organisation is delivering.


Ultimately pay your money and make your choice, but for goodness sale every shooter should join something!



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smart syndicate on large private estate, last drive of the day and a fox ran out of cover, the gun who was a good 65 plus took it between him and his next gun 25 yards away pricked the fox but also peppered the gun next doors leg. Surprisingly though it drew blood he was ok, was pretty unbelievable as it was safe in front and behind. He finished shooting the drive and didn't even check the bloke was ok. Though was probably worried about getting a slap as there were a few choice words said. I think he just caught the very top of the pattern but was very lucky as he was far too close for comfort.

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To be honest accidents on shooting are rare, as I think I have posted before, it averages out at around 1 claim per 2000 shooters per year. So not at all common.


However, the average cost of a shooting insurance claim is almost £8k (by my calculations of the market over the past 15 years) – so well worth investing I an bit of cover just in case. It’s not a legal requirement I know, but frankly I would not dream of shooting without insurance, nor would anyone I know.



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Very confussed at the moment.




Iv just noticed that im not insuered by BASC but BASA :good: dont know why im with them :good: What a complete ******* plum.

So iv sent BASC a letter of appoligy and they seem to be fine,there sending me a info pack about them with an aplication form.

Think im going to go with them after the hassle iv caused them.




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well 1 in 2000 people every year means a 1 in 200 chance you'll have an accident in 10 years and over a shooting lifetime of say 50 years a 1 in 40 chance which to me is quite high. Also doesn't it mean roughly your insurers are paying out £4 per member per year from those rough maths.

I guess it includes accidents like landing birds on vehicles etc though I think you exclude most of them but it just seemed quite a high incidence

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Property damage is certainly the most common shooting accident such as:


Birds landing on cars

Birds falling through windows / greenhouses

Shot telephone lines

Shot dogs (mistaken for fox)

Shot cars, sheep, cows, at night (lamping and failing to identity a back stop)

Poisoning of livestock by wheat left unguarded

Shot hitting vehicles

Loss of control of dogs resulting in a road accident


No we do NOT exclude most of the game falling on cars, not sure where you get that from?!


Much more rare are accidents resulting on injury.


As to the odds…well you are about 9x more likely to have a heart attack than be involved in a shooting accident.


Most people who are involved in a shooting accident are not injured or die, about 33% of people who have a heart attack die before they get to hospital…I think shooting is pretty safe!


As to how much is paid out by the underwriters, I love your averages, but some years are worse than others, two years in the past 5 have seen individual claims over £1 million!



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