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Essex Masters Official 2010 Booking Thread


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According to the CPSA you are still in C class, so that is what you should have shot in and yes you would have been in the prizes.


Remember you keep your class forever, even when you aren't a member.

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According to the CPSA you are still in C class, so that is what you should have shot in and yes you would have been in the prizes.


Remember you keep your class forever, even when you aren't a member.



Have we got a full and final results sheet then? That one on the Essex Gun site still excludes the weekend scores I think :good:

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I am not sure,


I didn't see Catamongs name there, But then we probably aren't going to unless he has been sandbagging for a year or so.


Never sandbagged in my life, just like Mung I went straight into "A" class way back in 1980 something, never been below "AA" in Sporting since.


Anyway, why do I need to sandbag when I've got this pocket size best seller from MC in my shooting vest..??





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Never sandbagged in my life, just like Mung I went straight into "A" class way back in 1980 something, never been below "AA" in Sporting since.


Anyway, why do I need to sandbag when I've got this pocket size best seller from MC in my shooting vest..??







Just as well you did have it, you needed most of them after such a lack lustre performance on Sunday.


It was the wind I tell you, honest :good::yes::)


Of course you don't need tosandbag anymore, you just shoot in some obscure discipline in far flung countries so you can win a few cartridges. The competition in this country in Sporting is far too hot for oldies to keep up.


Mind you, although he is nowhere near as old as you Beretta is doing well, Perhaps you should go and get a few pointers from him.

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Yep, I could have done better, but hey I'm a non CPSA straw baler who only shoots local biffa shoots.


You shot 19 more than me. Well done you :good: All those miles, all those registered event, all those years and for a measely 19 birds over a 200 bird event! :yes:


That's not even a whole bird per stand advantage is it?


You must be pleased..... :):hmm:

Edited by Mungler
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:good: So even though im not a current member of the cpsa I could have put myself in c class? DOH, would have won 750 carts!!! ( if they are the final scores!)



I am not sure if that is how it works, but judging by the grief Mungler got last year for shooting it as unclassified because he wasn't a member I presume then yes you should have shot it in C class.




I wonder how many miles per clay that works out? He wasn't even a whole clay a stand ahead of a lowly B class shooter such as myself. A couple of song titles spring to mind here, although I can't think why as they don't really apply to him and they are " the only way is up" maybe "Things can only get better" is more apt?


How about "Loser" by Beck? That si spot on.

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:good: So even though im not a current member of the cpsa I could have put myself in c class? DOH, would have won 750 carts!!! ( if they are the final scores!)



'Fraid not Bazza, the final scores are on the Essex Gun site now (you might need to refresh the page).


Congrats to Emmsy and HappyChappy once again, both held on to their slots (oo-er) but I can't see any other PW chaps there :yes:

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155 is the lowest in B Class placings :yes:


I'm disgusted with myself for shooting the Black course like I did, I must have thrown away at least 11 gimmes :good:



I know,


But how many times have you been on here slagging off the "Biffa" shoots? How many times have you taken the **** out of "Score it yourself" Haybales? or "JJ's style Floppers" or even been as low as to say about "Duffing up the boy scouts at the village fete"?


I think it is what is known as "What goes around comes around", and it is coming Quicker than Catman hoped.


I probably gave away at least 10 on each course by not being able to hook up the straights but they you go. I know what I need to work on.

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