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Squirrel with nut allergy


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Nut allergies are increasing in this country. One theory is that we are too clean and our immune systems have become bored as they don't have dangerous proteins to fight against, so they start attacking friendly proteins such as nuts.


I don't think Squirrels generally have problems with nuts.


Edited by Starman
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more likely that the genes that cause it were so few and far between, because anyone who had them had died, that it wasn't in the general population


Aye, but there's been a massive increase of kids with nut allergies recently and nobody knows why.


Our daughter has epi-pens in case she has an anaphylactic reaction to nuts. When we were in

getting the training on how to use them they said they're prescribing them to about 100 kids a year in






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Im allergic to peanuts and cashew nuts,but it only started about 5 years ago.No idea why this suddenly started,but apprently it goes hand in hand with asthma and hayfever-which i also have.


I love nuts,but they make me really ill.It wouldnt be so bad if i hated the damn things,but i dont! I forgot myself at christmas and ate a handfull without thinking then spent a little while being sick then three days of severe stomach pains.

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Nut allergy is nasty, my nephew now makes the works worst Christmas Cake cause he's go one kid with a nut allergy, he cant take the mixed peal and his wife is allergic to one of the other ingredients. He's good to go with the flour and raisins so what you finally get is a bun loaf!!


That's allergies for you.




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Mrs Longshanks and i spent Boxing day in A&E with our five year old daughter because i had given her a walnut,BIG mistake.It took about 20 mins for her to morph from a pretty little thing to something resembling ET, very scary and worrying to say the least! :oops:


After recieving the appropriate medicine she recovered quickly thank god :good: The doctor told us they see a lot of this nowdays and the general belief is that more and more mothers are not eating nuts while pregnant thinking this will prevent thier child from having the allergy, but apparently the opposite is true and the unborn child builds an immunity when pregnant women do eat them!


So if this is true one might assume squirrels pass thier immunity on to thier young.

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