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Energy drinks

Yorkshire Pudding

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:rolleyes: Redbull used to work for me, but i just like the taste now. \i was drinking 3 cans a day until i had an ultrasound and the dr told me my liver was white, it had a covering of fat and the first thing he asked me was do you drink redbull!!!! I stopped drinking it and it has gone back to normal!! I still have the odd one here and there if i have done 3-4 14 hour shifts on the trot but dont drink more than one at a time! :rolleyes:
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i used to drink alot of red bull when i was working the door ..but one nite had a couple more cans than normal due to it being a very long shift....(24hrs at a dance event) and when i finshed i could not sleep...kept going hot and cold and kepting jumping up at the smallest noise....since then I have not touched them and stick to coffee or water....

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