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What is the difference between a Urika and extrema?


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As the title says, I'm thinking about a new semi-auto, due to the first problems with my Hatsan (which is a year old and has had a fair amount of abuse) the hatsan's gas piston has jammed on the mag tube and although it will be fixed or replaced under warranty I feel I have got my money's worth from it and it is time for a change, the obvious contenders are the Berettas so what are the +/- points with the various semi-auto's? I don't think it'll be a new gun so the A400 is out but what about the Urika/Extreema/Tenkys?


I have shot a few of the beretta semi's so know that they woult fit the purpose, i would prefer synthetic but it is not a must as I like the look of the tenkys stonecoat , but the synthetic would probably suit my needs better.





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i think you'll find the urika will cycle lighter cartridges than the extrema.


also you will pick up a good urika for a lot lower price than an extrema, and there's more of them around.


probably going to get shot down in flames but people say their urika will cycle 21 gram carts, mine wouldn't last time i tried but it was new then.

one of the guys at the club i go to has an extrema and from what he has said that wont cycle under 28 gram carts.


when you strip them there's quite a difference in the guns under the covers.

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i think you'll find the urika will cycle lighter cartridges than the extrema.


also you will pick up a good urika for a lot lower price than an extrema, and there's more of them around.


probably going to get shot down in flames but people say their urika will cycle 21 gram carts, mine wouldn't last time i tried but it was new then.

one of the guys at the club i go to has an extrema and from what he has said that wont cycle under 28 gram carts.


when you strip them there's quite a difference in the guns under the covers.



My extrema will cycle any cartridge you want, right down to 21gr hull and express.

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i think you'll find the urika will cycle lighter cartridges than the extrema.


also you will pick up a good urika for a lot lower price than an extrema, and there's more of them around.


probably going to get shot down in flames but people say their urika will cycle 21 gram carts, mine wouldn't last time i tried but it was new then.

one of the guys at the club i go to has an extrema and from what he has said that wont cycle under 28 gram carts.


when you strip them there's quite a difference in the guns under the covers.



The Urika was originally advertised as being designed to work down to 21g, which was certainly an improvement on previous models...mine does! :beer:


Consider older models as well, the 390 or back to the 303's, they all still work and feel far better than any Hatsan!!



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