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Not so sporting shooting video


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Saw this pop up after watching the video of a Lab someone posted and clicked out of curiosity. Am I being sad, or is it normal to look on these people with slight disgust?


Quotes like "we let two get away" said in resentment, "GET HIM" talking about shooting at a bird and "good shot" said after 4 pumps of a shotgun.


To me this is a bit odd, as this is pheasant shoot, with the guns in cages, using at least 5-shot pump action shotguns. And more than once it looked like the fellas where shooting at falling dead birds, and their impact with the ground was played on loop with music in the background. Near the start I counted at least 7 shots on one bird, the guns are pegged less than 5 yards apart :lol:


I personally don't like this. But is all American shooting practiced like this, are they all noshers and do any of them have respect? :lol:

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sporting? i try to stay away from that word as much as possible, but the birds are high, they dont leave many wounded birds.


i think the words youre looking are respect and tradition. 5 shot pumps, defo not tradition compared to how some people here would shoot, and by shouting "we let some get away" not much respect imo, but how many of us get ribbed about missing a few shots? i know me and my mates take the p*** out of each other relentlessly all the time for missed shots, hows that sporting?!


just remember, americans are loud and mouthy by nature (no offense) so you see alot of that coming through, and also they have a right to bear arms (unlike us) so dont have to put up a public front like we do.


imo most important thing is they dont cause unnecessary suffering to the birds and are safety conscious :lol:


ps maybe its the vodka and port, but i cant see the hunting accident mentioned in the title :lol:

Edited by babbyc1000
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Its a tower shoot. I know someone who has seen one of these and someone is sitting up a tower in the woods infront of the guns. They literally throw birds off the tower and then they fly over the "guns". The guns are surrounding the tower so there is no safe escape. Not sport in my opinion! I commented on a video like this on youtube a while ago and the guy had the cheek to say it was more sporting than the way we do things over here because all we do is walk them up and shoot them in the back at ten yards! I soon put him straight the dumb idiot. :lol:

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MR LIBS I have been hunting for 40 yrs and I have never saw or been a part of any kind **** like that .I hunt just like you do over there walk em up .Belive me most americans dont hunt like that . This is some kind of PAY TO SHOOT ELKROUT2007

Maybe your national shooting association should stop this. It just makes life difficult for everybody else. There is no excuses for behavior like this.

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A post containing a link that had previously been removed from The Forum has been deleted.

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Having extensively travelled in the US over many years and shot and fished in most States, I can assure anyone that most of the tripe videos on YouTube are not indicative of the behaviour of American Sportsmen.

I am sure if you look hard enough there are many sad examples of behaviour involving Brits and Europeans.


To state that, "Americans are loud and mouthy by nature" is a bit like saying all English people are "snobs", rather a wide sweeping and inaccurate statement.

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Unfortunately fellas it aint just those from across the pond who are guilty of this kind of thing (and I mean no offence to the true sportsman from across the pond or infact from anywhere),but this kind of thing is occasionally practised over here.

The term we use is instant pheasants and is severely frowned upon by proper keepers and true sportsmen.The birds are kept penned right up until shoot day when the birds are transported from their pens to smaller cages at strategic ground locations and high towers and thrown from the cages in the general direction of the guns,similar to firing off a clay trap.

Yes the guns used are different but the end result is the same kill as many as you can,most shooters don't even want what they've shot.We've all heard the stories of the birds bulldozed into lime pits on the big commercial shoots now you know why.


Edited by Magus69
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it's good to hear from an American and someone who has shot in the US that not all shooting is practiced like this. I didn't think that all shooting was this pathetic over there, and it's nice to see some guys over here also feel that this type of shooting isn't on!


as said above, I do hope that US shootig groups lobby against this sort of thing.

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Although I am not happy with the tower shooting idea I think a lot of us are too quick to judge the yanks. Just because they have a different attitude to us and have different styles of shooting doesn't mean it is all bad. I mean they are safety conscious and most of the birds were dead in the air before they hit the ground. Just because we wouldn't partake in shooting like this doesn't mean we should run them down.

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  • 2 weeks later...
To state that, "Americans are loud and mouthy by nature" is a bit like saying all English people are "snobs", rather a wide sweeping and inaccurate statement.


not really. as i said it was not meant to cause offence. i was merely pointing out, to put it a different way, that americans arent as reserved in their reactions and emotions as we would be - where a brit would be standing quietly with a smug smile an american would be whooping with joy and jumping about (going by the americans ive met anyway) and so we see alot of that in the video :rolleyes:

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not really. as i said it was not meant to cause offence. i was merely pointing out, to put it a different way, that americans arent as reserved in their reactions and emotions as we would be - where a brit would be standing quietly with a smug smile an american would be whooping with joy and jumping about (going by the americans ive met anyway) and so we see alot of that in the video :rolleyes:


I don't find anything wrong with them whooping etc, they have different characters and it doesn't necessarily mean they have less respect. I have hunted with Canadians and Americans, both of which were very respectful hunters.

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I don't find anything wrong with them whooping etc, they have different characters and it doesn't necessarily mean they have less respect. I have hunted with Canadians and Americans, both of which were very respectful hunters.


i said at the start that some of the stuff wasnt respectul imo, BUT i did say alot of that is probably just the americans nature coming through, see =


libs posted this - Quotes like "we let two get away" said in resentment, "GET HIM" talking about shooting at a bird and "good shot" said after 4 pumps of a shotgun.


so i posted - and by shouting "we let some get away" not much respect imo, but how many of us get ribbed about missing a few shots?


and then


just remember, americans are loud and mouthy by nature (no offense) so you see alot of that coming through,


cranfield posted this - to state that, "Americans are loud and mouthy by nature" is a bit like saying all English people are "snobs", rather a wide sweeping and inaccurate statement.


so then i posted this - not really. as i said it was not meant to cause offence. i was merely pointing out, to put it a different way, that americans arent as reserved in their reactions and emotions as we would be - where a brit would be standing quietly with a smug smile an american would be whooping with joy and jumping about (going by the americans ive met anyway) and so we see alot of that in the video


just thought id better point this out before the idiot brigade/online firearms inspectors/retards arrive and pile on me accusing me of something i didnt say (again :rolleyes:)



Edited by babbyc1000
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i said at the start that some of the stuff wasnt respectul imo, BUT i did say alot of that is probably just the americans nature coming through, see =


libs posted this - Quotes like "we let two get away" said in resentment, "GET HIM" talking about shooting at a bird and "good shot" said after 4 pumps of a shotgun.


so i posted - and by shouting "we let some get away" not much respect imo, but how many of us get ribbed about missing a few shots?


and then


just remember, americans are loud and mouthy by nature (no offense) so you see alot of that coming through,


cranfield posted this - to state that, "Americans are loud and mouthy by nature" is a bit like saying all English people are "snobs", rather a wide sweeping and inaccurate statement.


so then i posted this - not really. as i said it was not meant to cause offence. i was merely pointing out, to put it a different way, that americans arent as reserved in their reactions and emotions as we would be - where a brit would be standing quietly with a smug smile an american would be whooping with joy and jumping about (going by the americans ive met anyway) and so we see alot of that in the video


just thought id better point this out before the idiot brigade/online firearms inspectors/retards arrive and pile on me accusing me of something i didnt say (again :rolleyes:)






I didn't necessarily mean these guys are respectful but in general I have found them to be ok. Just because they don't react the same way as we do doesn't mean we should judge them. At least when they are whooping they are showing how happy they are.

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