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couple of hours this morning.


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I had prommised my son Jack that he could take the .410 out for a few hours (cheers Zapp :blink: ) and see if it suits. stanley002.jpg (note the smile)


Woke up at 0630 thinking it was raining, but guess what....................stanley006.jpg


After an hour, no smile.stanley003.jpg


And if you have not seen pictures with snow before......stanley007.jpgstanley009.jpgstanley008.jpg


But then, as if by magic, we walked up to a small patch without snow, and Jack gave one the good news.stanley011.jpg He only managed the single bird, but it was enough to brighten his and my day. :good::hmm::lol:

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Nice one, cant beat getting out in the morning :blink:


My 410 is still a bit large for my 8 year old to handle at present, so she will have to wait another year or two so she can just get it balanced correctly (thought about cutting the stock down but decided against it for now)

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Nice Job MM :good:


Let him see the Night Vision thread on here to see how not to go hunting (even though it is a different tool)


Did he prepare the bird for the table?



not a chance mate. left to me, he went back to bed as we have a party to attend this afternoon. must have MUG written on my forehead. :blink: :hmm::lol:

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Well done Jack better than your dad would of done :yes: glad you got out and shot your first youngen , just remember every weekend now you need to be out with dad for the father son bonding session :/ Tell Mum it's how it has to be :good:



You know what Rob, i had to drag him back to the car as i was in a bit of pain. He could tell it was getting a bit much and he didnt make a fuss about it, been a good lad with his disabled dad. ;) Once im 100% fit, ill be out with him a lot more. :good:

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