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what on earth??

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If you read the artical on yahoo news sounded like a accident waiting to happen.... The whale had already gone a bit nuts years before and already killed someone else :angry:


Just heard on BBC radion it had killed 2 people already. Even the whale expert said dont bother with Sea World and instead go and see them in the wild

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I used to think police dog training was dangerous, but this is an entirely new level.


A couple of years ago I was fishing in my kayak off Flamborough Head when the Bridlington Belle came steaming past me. Some of the passengers shouted that there was a pod of Orcas on the other side of the headland. I thought they were pillocking, but it was in the papers the next day. What do you think my chances of landing one was on an 8 weight fly rod? :angry:

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Didn't your mother used to say if you play with fire you will get burned. These lovely animals have not intelect, they do most things by instinct. He could have been playing with the trainer. My ferrets are pretty good, they do not bite me, but I would not let anyone handle them without supervision.

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I went to the Shamu show last year. To the daytime show then the Rock with Shamu show after dark. The latter was done to Bon Jovi at a volume that was loud even to us humans so it must be really weird to a Killer Whale. Like with elephants they occasionally kill their trainers. Same thing. We should not make these things perform like chimps.

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maybe im sick, but i laughed when i heard about the 2nd "kill" today - a few years back, one morning, they found the whale happily swimming around in its pool - with a dead, naked, homeless guy on its back :good:


i know its awful, im sorry. but the mental image im getting is surreal (yes, im drunk :good:)

Edited by Ozzy Fudd
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i think she deserved it they shudent keep them in captiv it was gona flip 1 day



I really do not think she deserved it, whilst some (infact many) agree they should not be kept in captivity, it wasn't her fault. Remember she just works there, its not her place.

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May seem harsh but good. These Orcas were taken from the wild, decimating the pods they were from, to appease stupid fee payers. I have been lucky enough to see whales including " killers " in the wild and for them and dolphins more than any other mammals captivity must be hell on earth. They are far and away more intelligent than given credit for, it is still highly likely whales will become extinct due to our past over harvesting ( The Leviathan ) To look into the eye of a whale that has come up to out of pure interest is awe inspiring.

I went to see Shamu ten years ago, since then I have seen these mammals where they belong - free in their world, not prisoners in ours.



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