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Does any 1 bother going out on a full moon?

ive done it a few times when im bored and theres a strong wind or if ive been asked to shift the hares off the golf course i would use the moon to silhouette them

but ive never had more than a couple of rabbits when theres a strong moon.


So does any 1 have any good bags and if so on what quarry :good:

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been out quite a lot on full moons,using the hmr and and it still does amaze me how many i did shoot.they still have to feed and will come out.

as i shoot at distance,they think they are safe because they can spot you.

saves my lamp battery though.. :good:



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I don't see this as a Full Moon issue particularly, there are lots of other factors in shooting, certainly this is one, but it is how you approach the situation.


How far either side of the moon do you stop, there are always issues effecting shooting, crunchy frosts, too hot, long grass, country walkers, irate neighbours, wind, rain, etc, etc, etc, I'm not sure if I can ever remember a "perfect day" :D


:( :good:

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Personally I would never bother lamping while there is a full moon. The only thing in my opinion worse than lamping during the full moon is when there's no wind and a heavy frost as well!


Just a thought - It could pay off if you use NV I surpose!

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