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What about a vizla?

Evil Elvis

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my shooting mate has a bitch they are meant by nature to be slow to mature she is three and a half now and just started picking up this season but that may be due to the lack of training he put in . other than that she is a good steady dog and good in the house . i think the penny dropped with the retreiving when she watched my 2 year old lab bitch on a days duck shooting . she must have thought that is what im meant to do :yes:

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Based on what I have seen, English Pointers are less bonkers than some of the other pointers and HPRs.


There is a vizsla at the HPR class and the guy has brought that young dog on very well (I think he is quite experienced though) - it's a dog and can bit a bit barky at the others.


The ones I have seen are certainly smaller than EPs and GSPs too, certainly smaller and less robustly built than my GSP anyway.


FWIW I like them too :huh: but if we got another mutt it would likely be a ESS.


If you are seriously about a viszla then I can point you towards the owner I know - he shoots at Copfurn.




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My experience with a Visla , like any other Pointer , will take longer to settle down especially if a male , but they have a good nose and very steady


when flushing birds. Mind you they tend to get quite attached to their owner ,at least mine did , so much so he wanted to be around all the time and


made it quite clear when I was,nt there.

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the problem with visla's like weimaraners they are really intelligent and need a firm hand and lots of exercise to help control them, if left to there own devices they become very problematic and most owners agree they need company to settle, so dont be suprised if you end up with two at the end of the day

hope this helps


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