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Roe Stalking. Norfolk. (Free).

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I've gotten my grubby little fingers on a farm that is littered with Roe, with a good heard of 30 or so going in and out in the mornings.



I've gotten my FAC going through at the moment, but I'd like to try and make an impact now rather than in 8 weeks.


The deal is that we'll go out together and shoot some Roe. Pretty simple, and will look good with my FAO interview.


This permission is a few miles outside of Norwich.



All Prefrence goes to more active forum members.



If you don't have an open FAC, don't bother messaging me because I won't reply.

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That's a really nice offer Bleeh! people pay good money for this kind of thing, well done to you.. :hmm:

got my open ticket but only have 22/250. by the way, if you find yourself stuck for some rabbits pm me, i usually go out on a weekend and could do with a ferret man on ocaision. The land i've got at the minute is next to rail lines so it's a bit awkward for rifle.

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Well done to you mate, thats a wonderful offer. Nice to see there are still some genuine sportsmen out there.

If only Roe lived on the Brecon Beacons i would invite you up.


Have a good day and i hope those that are lucky enough to join you appreciate what they have been offered.


Straight shooting

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  • 1 month later...

I was about *This* close to going with one member, untill I was told that I was given the wrong seducle of work and had to work around it. Everything is on hold for the moment, as said the main problem I'm having is that people are willing to come from far to far away, and this would idealy suit someone local as I'm on a hectic time sedule (12 hour shifts).


My FAC should hopefully be comming any day soon, so I'll might make an offer for a lucky person without an FAC in june, but we'll see.




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