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after seeing 600+ pigeon i had to go back


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after seeing the 600+pigeon last night i had to go back got there this morning at about 8.15 it was ******* down but as i sat at the gate i could see the pigeon right down the field as i was walking down about 300 pigeon got up but were droping backl down ..good sign that i thought they dont want to leave :lol: sett up as quick as i could the pigeon did not seem to botherd about me and were droping in the field about 300yrds away from me in big numbers as i sat down i thought to my self i should be over there ..but you know what i was knackerd after walking down that muddy field carrying all the gear by my self so i sat it out :lol::lol: next time i know were to set up as its my first time in the field, new land and all that :lol: i sat out the rain started shooting in minits missed loads as i could not real stand up as my feet were stuck in the mud :< :o as you can see in the pic it was very soft going but i shot 24 only 20 in the pic for got to take the one off the flapper :lol: 2 more hit the trees to drop seconds later and one droped behide me not my land so i keepet off it ..not a bad day for 3 hrs shooting as i packed up at 11.30 i ran out of pop and i had enough of the rain :lol: but think on the bright side i can always go back ...any body on here fancy a day with me on some of my land in the week give us a shout :D




quick video of the land i was on :lol:


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BRUK see what I mean now about shooting sitting down?? Teach yourself to do it and then you`ll be as flexible as other EXPERIENCED decoyers.


I suppose the hide was well out to avoid that bloody great hump in the hedge? Couldn`t you have chosen a better place, or were you shooting them in the trees?

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set up under a little tree so i had the wind and the rain in my back ,the tree worked ok :lol: the hide was a little bit closer to the tree but it put me up so high i was above the hide and was looking over it :lol: it still worked though all the pigeon were on the other side but like i said the walk would of killed me off :lol: plus i would of had the rain beating down in my face most of the day ..i can say with hand on hart i would of trebled the bag if i was on the other side there were loads of pigeon landing all day long even in the rain for a short time .after a bit of shooting they took off but after one hour of shooting they did not care about the gun going off ..mad for it the were :lol: i may be going back in the week to have a go if they are there as the farmer hates them he said to me he wants some body there every day :lol: i will try my best i said :lol: he has ten field all over the place and most miles apart ..any body up for a day in the week give us a shout :o

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BRUK just a suggestion: You might have been able to spook the pigeons over to your side if you had stuck some canes with white feed- bag streamers where they were dropping in. It works for me and sure keeps the rain from your face!! :lol::lol:

:lol: if i was able to walk over there and stick white bags on sticks in were the pigeon were i would of sett up over there :lol: standing up is the only way to shoot :lol: i have proved it to my self again to day :o

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I just thought that an extremely fit weight lifter of 18 stones plus would have put his kit down and cut out one of the variables. :lol: I was wrong of course. You won`t even learn to shoot sitting because your mind is telling you that you must stand up. :D I shot 31 today, over OSR, and shot every one from a sitting position. EASY!!! :)

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  • 3 weeks later...



I used to shoot sitting down, nowadays I shoot standing up because i've found you have a much better field of vision - if you are on your own in the hide you constantly need to be looking through those eyes up your backside to see the odd bird coming in from a different direction, and you can't do that if your backside is nailed to a seat.


It's also much easier to take birds from an awkward angle when standing up - I suppose it's because i've done a lot of Clay Shooting over the last 20 years or so, it's now second nature to me, although granted that may not be so with others..??


Sitting down is fine if you're only interested in shooting those birds that are hovering on or about your killing zone - I like to have a crack at the odd one that spooks away, or zooms past with no intention of dropping into the deeks, (although not at 80 - 90 yards range..!!)


I believe that the legendary Archie Coats favoured sitting down, however the sport of Pigeon Shooting has moved on since the 50's, and got a lot more technical. Archie was also a great believer in bale hides...how many are used today..?? - most people leave it to the farmer to put the bales out and they always put them in completely the wrong place, and if you've ever tried to move a sodden bale hide even 100 yards, forget it..!!


Anyway guys, as usual, don't take my word for it, ask the pro's - i've watched Jim Albone shoot, and the only time he sat down was to drink his coffee, what do the Beasley family do..??, we all know that they sit down often to count their millions, but what about when in the hide..??, come on Will, what's your view..??


Double H

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I just thought that an extremely fit weight lifter of 18 stones plus would have put his kit down and cut out one of the variables. :o   I was wrong of course.  You won`t even learn to shoot sitting because your mind is telling you that you must stand up. :rolleyes:   I shot 31 today, over OSR, and shot every one from a sitting position.  EASY!!! :oops:

have you ever tryed to carry 300shells gun ,hide,flapper,batt,decoys,drink,food,seat,and not feeling 100% down some muddy field ?going down was not half as bad as it was going back up that was the killer :D i would never shoot or waste my time on trying to shoot a pigeon from the side out past 60yrds it would be a 1 in 20 if it came down...only 22 stone 8 lbs now as im cutting up a bit :P

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RRUK, once again you misunderstand me! :< I can see that you were knackered, and the rain was bloody awful, but the pigeons were on the other side of the field. All I suggested was that you walked, unladen by your kit, and placed a few white flags in that area to perhaps get the birds to your side of the field. I`ve often done this and it sometimes works well. B)


There are times when I shoot standing up, and times when I can shoot from a sitting position, simply because the birds are coming in such a predictable way that I don`t need to move. You may be pleased to know that some days I shoot most of my birds from a standing position. The point I was labouring was that at least I CAN shoot sitting down, and that this gives me an advantage in the field. Pigeon shooting isn`t like clay shooting, and being in a tight waterfilled ditch gives little chance for fancy footwork, so the ability to shoot from a seat is often vital. B)

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now im not saying you are wrong in putting up flags to keep the pigeon off the other side of the field and your right in doing so but its my back its **** it feels like i have a knife in it after 100yrds walk to much heavy lifting on the legs 665kg ..now stopped going heavy and the backs getting better so now my tarzan days are over B) i would of loved to of sat over the other side it was doing my head in but back pain will turn you in to an old man in minutes ..but im bounceing back slowly B)

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You flatter me Double H B) B)


I would pay money to see the results of shots on a patterning plate at a MEASURED 80 yards using normal 12 gauge cartridges. Pattern always fails before penetration, and you need the pattern to kill birds consistently.


Edit: Typed `and` twice!!

Edited by invector
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i dont know were you got the 80yrds pigeon from that i shot iv never shot one at that range in my life i said and i say it again for you thick ******* :lol: my mate shot it :( and why i said it was simple it was to let you guys know that there is no rush to shoot a going away pigeon :lol::D your on about my weight if invector got of my back i would be 13 stone lighter B) B) :lol: read between the lines girls

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RRUK I realise it wasn`t you who shot pigeons at 80 yards, (I`m not that `*******` thick!!) I`m sorry you feel that I`m on your back but if your posts are a bit off key you should expect criticism. That`s what a public forum is all about, and what makes it so interesting.

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