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after seeing 600+ pigeon i had to go back


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Pete K I hope you aren`t advocating the use of these so called extreme cartridges for shooting wood pigeons, or any other live creature, at such excessive ranges??


Shooting inanimate clay targets, with small shot, is all well and good but their use in live bird shooting, at such ranges, is to be deplored!! This has nothing at all to do with your ability, or the set up of the gun. Respect for your quarry is what it is all about and dusting clays is just a game, with no pain involved, except when you miss!!

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in the past when i have been on large fields and i know the birds are going to land on the other side of the field i have set my magnet up with carrier bags on it and this keeps the birds of that side of the field i have had a few good days using this method.


i always find taking a few more minutes to set up and i mean set up correctly is often the best way :blink:


out of interest where are you in staffs as i am also in staffs (you can pm me this info if you like)


cheers shawn

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I changed my name and Avatar because of all of the proposals I was getting because of my mugshot - I was amazed how many lonely hearts out there were looking for the rugged outdoor type like me - it was becoming embarrasing..!!


I tried to think of a catchy username, and Cat Among The Pigeons came to mind, obviously too long, so I shortened it to Catamong.


But don't fret, it's still the same old me, I'll continue to poke fun at those who want to know how to shoot muntjac with airguns, or reckon it's OK to wait until a going away bird is 80 yards away before shooting at it..!!





:thumbs: :D

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  • 2 weeks later...


I changed my name and Avatar because of all of the proposals I was getting because of my mugshot - I was amazed how many lonely hearts out there were looking for the rugged outdoor type like me - it was becoming embarrasing..!!


I tried to think of a catchy username, and Cat Among The Pigeons came to mind, obviously too long, so I shortened it to Catamong.


But don't fret, it's still the same old me, I'll continue to poke fun at those who want to know how to shoot muntjac with airguns, or reckon it's OK to wait until a going away bird is 80 yards away before shooting at it..!!






should of been just mong ;):D

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