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Dog put to sleep


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On Saturday I had to have my lurcher put to sleep. This might sound a bit wet but I'm lost without her. All the years of me moaning about her smelly bed and the wet paw prints in the house seem like nothing now. What do you do at a time like this. Buy something to remeber the dog by or get anouther dog? Has anyone else had this, what did you do?

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On Saturday I had to have my lurcher put to sleep. This might sound a bit wet but I'm lost without her. All the years of me moaning about her smelly bed and the wet paw prints in the house seem like nothing now. What do you do at a time like this. Buy something to remeber the dog by or get anouther dog? Has anyone else had this, what did you do?

I feel your pain my freind.lost mine not long ago, It.s hard ennit... :blush:

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On Saturday I had to have my lurcher put to sleep. This might sound a bit wet but I'm lost without her. All the years of me moaning about her smelly bed and the wet paw prints in the house seem like nothing now. What do you do at a time like this. Buy something to remeber the dog by or get anouther dog? Has anyone else had this, what did you do?


Sorry to hear the news. I'm sure you will be fine :blush:

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I was only thinking last night about my Cocker Robbie which I lost to Lymphoma 18 months ago. Having him put down was the hardest thing I have ever had to do. Not only was he a family pet brought up with the Kids, he was my closest companion and quite the best dog Ive ever had.


He was cremated and buried in a casket in the garden with a flowering cherry planted on top of him.


The loss is not dissimilar to losing a Human family member some say it is worse !


If you can afford the time to it, get another, Consider giving a home to a rescue you will be doing both yourselves a favour and really honouring the memory of your beloved Lurcher.


As SSS said though give it some thought before you commit.


All the very best.



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I think my wife will agree with your comments about giving it time. I was all ready to dash out and get the nearest available dog, she wants us to wait as we have a young baby so wants the right type of dog. My dog was called Rosie so I think I might get a rose bush to go in her favourite part of the garden.

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As others have said it's a difficult thing to deal with, I think rushing into getting another dog can cause resentment if your not ready for one...waiting and giving it some thought would be wise. Keep your chin up, it will get easier with time :blush:

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Flex, we can all come on here acting hard..but when we loose our mate it hurts

yes we all moan about the wet paw prints and the bad wind and even grumble when they want a walk in the rain...


but to loose that friend who is always by your side when things aint going right is ****** hard


thoughts are with you mate


you will get another dog...we all do ..but you will always have the memories :blush:

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