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Hatsun Escort Semi Auto Update

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I know these guns have been the subject of much debate on here, but good or bad, when they are good they are very good.


However recently my one has been very bad. It got caught by a couple of heavy squadrons of pigeons along with a number of scouts and was firing off some great shots and kills, plus some great triples, then it jammed.


It jammed so bad, I could not with even gloves on, open the chamber, it was stuck with a empty in position and two live rounds below, I left the field, like a sitting duck, piegons still flying over and wondering.....


To the Hatsun Escort owners, any clues what is up with it. I only had it serviced last year for £45 because it was not cycling correctly with clear pigeon 6 shot, so am reluctant to spend that again when it has probably only had 250 rounds through it since.


Am I doing something wrong in looking after it, or are the guns just on the whole a load of rubbish?? I even have to take a second gun to clay shoots, as I am never certain it will run and shoot a 100 rounds without fault.


Honest views appreciated please???



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Gotta have the right cartridge in it, with the right cartridge I would say its an decent gun for sitting in a hedge with etc:yes:


Mine worked well on HB pigeon 32grm.


also it depends on what model you have, if it has a curvy butt pad its the cartridge (most likely) but f its the older type.... they wernt that great :good:

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I know these guns have been the subject of much debate on here, but good or bad, when they are good they are very good.


However recently my one has been very bad. It got caught by a couple of heavy squadrons of pigeons along with a number of scouts and was firing off some great shots and kills, plus some great triples, then it jammed.


It jammed so bad, I could not with even gloves on, open the chamber, it was stuck with a empty in position and two live rounds below, I left the field, like a sitting duck, piegons still flying over and wondering.....


To the Hatsun Escort owners, any clues what is up with it. I only had it serviced last year for £45 because it was not cycling correctly with clear pigeon 6 shot, so am reluctant to spend that again when it has probably only had 250 rounds through it since.


Am I doing something wrong in looking after it, or are the guns just on the whole a load of rubbish?? I even have to take a second gun to clay shoots, as I am never certain it will run and shoot a 100 rounds without fault.


Honest views appreciated please???




Mine has digested over 5000 rounds no probs and you paid £45.00 for a service! you dont need too they are so simple to strip and clean nothing you cant do yourself. honest Ill show you if you want ? I dont clean mine one month to the next, and I shoot Gamebore clear pigeon.


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Hi M8,

Sorry to hear that you are having problems with this Shot Gun. I have owned an older model and now own the newer model. Both have never let me down while shooting pigeons with most makes & types of cartridges. I have heard of a spring snapping and causeing it jam solidly. How to get it unjamed that I cant tell you. It will be a full stip down if you can but i am most certain that its a snapped spring jaming it. Good Luck M8 and let me know how you get on. :(

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I had an old type and the end of the carrier carrier spring broke off. That jammed it solid. Quite a fiddle to unjam. Carrier springs cheap as chips, swine to force on though.


Last big Jam was a bit of the inner bolt snapped off, no way of fixing it as it was part of the bolt. took it back and bought a Benelli. 5 Times the price but no more jams. (so far)


Pity really as the gun shot superbly. Newer ones apparently a bit more stable!



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I would say the gas ports are dirty.When you clean the barrel-poke a piece of wire or a cut down cotton bud etc through the ports after so no solvents or soot is left inside.You might also find that certain cartridges are dirtier than others and just avoid them afterwards.I always found D&J's and Rio's left a lot of cr*p in the gun.

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I would guess if it is jammed solid it could be the gas piston, undo the knurled forend cap, take the forend off, then the barrel, you should see an o-ring (which may have broken and stuck under the piston) then the piston, check the piston moves up and down the mag tube - it should only have the spring resistance.


If it is stiff it could be the mag tube or the piston...





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Thanks All - My friend who also uses the gun, has found that a spring and/or clip has snapped - gun has only had probably 1000-1500 rounds through it and still under 3 year warranty, so will see what Edgar Bros will do about it (assuming its them)


Seems it will be out of action for a little while longer yet :stupid:



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ive got escort and had jamming problems real bad but was told not to oil it as you were not to and buy chance went into a new gunshop where i live and had my gun with me as i was goin to ex it far some other gun being honest i told him about it jammin he asked if i had oiled it to which i said i was told not to he sais rubbish and got some spray type oil in a can and sprayed all the parts down port where you put cartridge and the lot since then its jammed twice in about 700 cartridges evry 100 cartridges i strip it and the spring and internal parts are oiley which i wipe dry and use very fine hemery cloth to move any carbon deposits try it mate its like a new gun fantastic

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