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another successful night out foxing...


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I just typed out a rather large story on here, and the internet crashed so I lost it all, but, I will try again!

I went out lamping tonight with my better half, and saw a few foxes. The first one wouldn't come in to the WAM caller, but favoured the squeak from the back of my hand. He got to about 40 yards, and vanished. Absolutely dissapeared into thin air. No idea where he went, but he did. I carried on squeaking for a few minutes in that spot incase he had gone down a rut, but nothing.


We headed back to check the ewes which are still to lamb, and then out again after.

So we went back down to the same field and picked up two sets of eyes, one a long way off, and one about 60 yards.

Squeaked again, and they both came running. The closer one stopped at about 30 yards and it was the last thing it ever did. 36 grams of number 1's went his direction at 1400 foot per second, and he lay in a heap.

It was rather frustrating, knowing the other one was coming in aswell, but the decision had to be made.


We called it a night and headed home, but on the way home, I thought, we'll just check this last field.

There was a fox in there which just didn't respond, everytime we got out of the car it ran, everytime we crept up in the truck it ran. Out of sheer frustration, I chased it across the field in my motor, and went like hot snot, but unfortunately, foxes fit through smaller gaps in fences than daihatsus, so it got away.

Definitely time to call it a night now, we were both cold and rather fed up so turned for the farm. As we did, another fox appeared in the headlights. I switched the truck off, put the lamp on the battery and got out. We sat behind the truck for ages squealking, but no matter what I tried, it wouldn't come to the call,

It just sat in the OSR looking our direction, and not responding at all. At that, we definitely had had enough, and went home.

1 out of 5, not bad, but like I said, frustrating. If I had a .223, I could have had 4 out of 5. Never mind there for another night.

Enough from me, here's charlie, a small, smelly dog fox :lol:


Oh, and excuse the spelling mistakes, if there are any, I'm doing it on my phone.


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Well done mate. You have a good missus if she is willing to go lamping with you.

She's not too bad I suppose :hmm:


Seriousky, it was her first time out lamping with me and she loved it and now wants to come next time. Suits me because its someone to hold the lamp for me.

All the best,

Sam :unsure:

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