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scouts are ******* idiots!

Ozzy Fudd

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just had a bit of a panic as i left the pub, was walking down to the house when i heard two large explosions, followed by a lot of smaller pops, sounded about a mile or two outside town. if you dont watch bbc news to know then theres a heightened security alert over here at the mo, bin a few bombs and stuff lately not far from me. anyway it brought me back to being a kid and hearing bombs and shooting, sounded almost like two bombs going off followed by alot of automatic gunfire, saw a couple of police landrovers earlier so thought maybe theyd been ambushed :good:


after a bit of a panic (and unable to get anyone on the phone) i walked back to the house thinking the worst. as i walked up the hill i looked over the town towards the forest park... and a saw a load of fireworks going up :good: then i got a text telling me theres a scout jamboree or something going on down there this weekend :good:


im now having a few drinks to recover from my shock (:good:), but after the text messages ive been receiving it seems that im not the only one considering going down to the forest park and planting a size 12 firmly between the legs of whichever muppet is in charge of the fireworks :good::yes: :yp: :D


ah well, at least i now have an excuse to get drunk... :good:

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I know that in your heart of hearts you need no excuse to go back and have another one. However seems like the perfect reason to reassure everyone else in the pub that there is nothing going on. But seriously mate, keep yourself safe.

All the best


Edited by alexr
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excuse? :good:


aye, major heightened security up here, fairly large road block on the way to lurgan last week (talk nicely to the man with the gun)


and something up at stoneyford reservoir earlier, unmarked cars, civvie clothing, we had stopped to take a photo, and quickly went the other way

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:yp: :D:good: you know me too well, i actually did leave the bit out about walking back into the pub to make sure i wasnt hearing things, but the tv was up too loud for anyone to hear anything :good: :good:


now at home, and having realised ive ran out of vodka, am now drinking cider and lime, which is surprisingly nice :good:


ps not much down here really steve, the landrovers have been out more than usual and been a couple of checkpoints, but nothing much :yes:

Edited by Ozzy Fudd
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:yp: :D:good: you know me too well, i actually did leave the bit out about walking back into the pub to make sure i wasnt hearing things, but the tv was up too loud for anyone to hear anything :good: :good:


now at home, and having realised ive ran out of vodka, am now drinking cider and lime, which is surprisingly nice :yes:

easy mate, vodka and cider, not good, not good :good:

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Hay steady on there. If I had to wait for a terrorist attack before I could get a pint it would be a long time sober :good: . Can we not go with a good old fashioned gang land shooting. This is Manchester after all :D


:good: with you being a doctor could you not just say there was a medical emergency as you were passing, and were bought a couple of drinks to thank you for saving someones life?? :yes:


woodcock i might be up at it, still waiting to see if anyone else is going, if i do go ill be easy to spot - either propping up the bar or drooling over a gun thats all tactical looking :yp: :good:

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Hay steady on there. If I had to wait for a terrorist attack before I could get a pint it would be a long time sober :good: . Can we not go with a good old fashioned gang land shooting. This is Manchester after all :good:



You keep your guns in Manchester - we do not want them here - are you going to win the Premier League - if you dont, I can almost hear the rattle of machine guns in MCR already

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You keep your guns in Manchester - we do not want them here - are you going to win the Premier League - if you dont, I can almost hear the rattle of machine guns in MCR already


As we have to hope Liverpool beat Chelsea. Bit of a double edged sword for the scousers I think...... But we will see.

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Not sure why you think scouts are idiots because they had a jamboree though. Sounds like you were surprised because you hadn't seen any advertising about the event but that doesn't mean they are idiots. Scouts are kids and the leaders are volunteers giving up their time free to give the kids something meaningfull away from playstations. And being in the military (26 years and Afghanistan last year) I understand your angst at the explosions that had you worried but don't be blaming the kids. I would be more annoyed if the kids were doing this unsupervised.


Yes it can be worrying in unsettling areas when explosions happen (been there many times) but kids need to channel their energy into something positive. Although I do accept that in your area, more should have been done to warn everyone within earshot that these fireworks would be happening.


Lets hope that things settle down in your part of the world soon eh? :good:

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Not sure why you think scouts are idiots because they had a jamboree though. Sounds like you were surprised because you hadn't seen any advertising about the event but that doesn't mean they are idiots. Scouts are kids and the leaders are volunteers giving up their time free to give the kids something meaningfull away from playstations. And being in the military (26 years and Afghanistan last year) I understand your angst at the explosions that had you worried but don't be blaming the kids. I would be more annoyed if the kids were doing this unsupervised.


Yes it can be worrying in unsettling areas when explosions happen (been there many times) but kids need to channel their energy into something positive. Although I do accept that in your area, more should have been done to warn everyone within earshot that these fireworks would be happening.


Lets hope that things settle down in your part of the world soon eh? :yp:

:good: yeh keep the scouts ozzy you may need them where else can you get your fence painted ,car washed ,grass cut all for a quid while you sit back with a voddie and bark orders out (i love hard work i could watch it for hours ) :D:good::good:

stay safe ozzy and keep drinking :good::good::yes:

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Not sure why you think scouts are idiots because they had a jamboree though. Sounds like you were surprised because you hadn't seen any advertising about the event but that doesn't mean they are idiots. Scouts are kids and the leaders are volunteers giving up their time free to give the kids something meaningfull away from playstations. And being in the military (26 years and Afghanistan last year) I understand your angst at the explosions that had you worried but don't be blaming the kids. I would be more annoyed if the kids were doing this unsupervised.


Yes it can be worrying in unsettling areas when explosions happen (been there many times) but kids need to channel their energy into something positive. Although I do accept that in your area, more should have been done to warn everyone within earshot that these fireworks would be happening.


Lets hope that things settle down in your part of the world soon eh? :good:


when i said scouts i meant the leaders (and if i remember right from years ago they are classed as scouts themselves, or sometimes venture scouts). and please explain what has a fireworks display got to do with channelling kids energy? i know when i was a scout they channelled our energy by getting us to build huts, make campfires, earn badges, etc, NOT by turning the surrounding area into a re-enactment of the somme after 10pm on a friday night, especially when everyones expecting a "spectacular" any day due to the elections next week :good:


perhaps whats also annoying me, apart from the fact these arent the local scouts (and so im feeling a bit of "go let your flipping fireworks off in your own area and dont annoy me" syndrome) is that i had two of these "responsible volunteer leaders" in the off licence earlier, stocking up on enough vodka and coke to tranquilise a horse... :yes:


as for things settling down in this part of the world soon (co armagh), if youre in the military mate you should know thats very unlikely to happen :good:

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Yer mate I know things will take a while to settle down but you can live in hope and I was saying it to be respectful to your situation living through it.


As for the scouts, leaders are Scout leaders and ventures were renamed explorer scouts years ago. If I sound like a scout geek, it's because I have been a leader for 10 years. Jamborees are designed to enrich kids understanding of other cultures by bringing together scouts from all over the world and the end of the day a firework display is what many large events have (not everything needs to be educational).


I disagree with leaders drinking at camps because parents have trusted their children to be safely looked after over the event and when drinking, it is not possible to be able to provide the right example, plus how can they administer first aide if required? All camps I manage have an alcahol ban.


I was not intending to upset you or get into a slanging match, I just thought that to call the kids idiots was a bit much so sorry if this upset you.

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This thread is saddening in several ways.


I have to say I didnt realise there was such a threat to the population these days as there once was. I dont think it filters through to over here just how serious the situation is. For the local scouts to have a firework party and worry the locals, it makes our issues with chavs in England look pretty trivial.


I'd be interested to hear some of the stories from our Irish contigent, just to get a bit of an education in what exactly is happening. Who is doing what and why? I know its not simple, but can I get an idiots guide? It might help us all understand.


Take care now.

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i had two of these "responsible volunteer leaders" in the off licence earlier, stocking up on enough vodka and coke to tranquilise a horse... :good:



Perhaps they thought you were going round for a visit?





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