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How quiet are 410s over a 12 bore


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I was thinking about getting as cheep as posible a 410 to shoot rabbits the field has a house at one end which I have been up to and spoke to the folks, but they were non to impressed with me shooting the rabbits (its not them that are loosing the barley), however they have seen and spoken to me a few times with the air gun.

I would also like a 410 for my little girl who has shown a good intrest in shooting, what do you think folks.

many thanks Adrian

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.410's are brilliant little guns, as for the noise, its hard to say. They are definitely quieter than a 12 bore, and there is a lot less recoil. Have you considered a moderated .410?

How old is your girl if you dont mind me asking?


All the best,


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I think its hard to get even a .410 to suit a child. My girl is a tall 11 year old and only now is able to hold even the lightest of guns to her shoulder. I think the length plus weight is too much. That was at shooting clays though.

You can get .410 moderators fitted to any single barreled .410 . They are cheaper than a full length one but not quite so quiet.

I recently got some .410 adapters for my 12g Hushpower for close up garden work and am expecting it to be super quiet.

Can you not go down the .22 rimfire route with moderator ? Cheap as chips and if it is your own farm you are protecting from vermin I cant see a problem.

ps as above I think .410 is quieter but still has a fair old crack. Hushpower .410s really are quiet.

Edited by vole
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bleeh's video says it all really, I had both a 12 and a 410 pedretti hushpower, quite as anything, have still got the 410, for use on a permission with noise issue's, get one of those, and those neighbours wont know the difference between that and your air rifle <_<

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I was thinking about getting as cheep as posible a 410 to shoot rabbits the field has a house at one end which I have been up to and spoke to the folks, but they were non to impressed with me shooting the rabbits (its not them that are loosing the barley), however they have seen and spoken to me a few times with the air gun.

I would also like a 410 for my little girl who has shown a good intrest in shooting, what do you think folks.

many thanks Adrian

ive bought a webley bolt action 410 for my 9 year old son and to be onest i use it my self (when he puts it down)they are great

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I've just bought a single barrel baikal .410 hushpower and cannot believe how quiet it is. Literally when i first shot it i didnt even realise it had gone off. Though id had a miss fire. I seriously cant get over it and now shoot all the more often as alot of the land i have perm's on is near to residential properties. The only problem for me is the single shot (and not becuase of poor shooting - well not all the time). Often there will be a couple of rabbits in the same area and i would be able to have a crack at both had i had the shots available.


Still im now saving and on the lookout for a 12g pump hush power so i can get out decoying with it. I really think my numbers would double as shooting out on the fens, it really doesnt take long to scare every bird within a mile away from you when blasting the 12g.





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