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To further enhance my cabinet and annoy the Mrs I'm now on the look for a shotgun (.204 shopping at the weekend :lol: )


I've been to a RFD today who I get on with very well and don't mind paying the little extra as he is such a good fella to deal with.


Looked at two second handers, both mint, advise from anyone would be great.


12g Lincoln vogue deluxe




20g beretta 686 onyx


Both lovely, the reason I've looked at the 20g is that I've shot 20g on clay more than 12 and get on with them, I do a lot of walking so the lighter gun would be handy, and it looks lovely.. :good:


So, a few Q's, is it a bit gay to have a 20g?

Anybody know anything about the Lincolns?

Pro's and cons of 20g vs 12g?


Thanks guys!

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if i were you id definetly go for the beretta :good::lol: one of my mates shoots with a 20 bore and hits some cracking shots with it :hmm:




:D another vote for the Beretta...will hold its value more although will cost more to run (cartridges)



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I shoot my 20 more than my 12 these days. Gun and cartridges are lighter to carry in the field and smashes anything they throw on the clay grounds if you point it in the right place. I know at least 3 rufty tufty farmers who think the same, nothing gay about it. I open the chokes a bit more than on the 12 but that's probably all in my mind. Definitely more pricey to feed though.

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Look at how much and for what you're going to use it for. 20's are fine for a bit of game shooting but not ideal if you're going to do lots of clays. I'd go for a 12b Berretta though that means going shopping again

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Look at how much and for what you're going to use it for. 20's are fine for a bit of game shooting but not ideal if you're going to do lots of clays. I'd go for a 12b Berretta though that means going shopping again


Thank mate,


I won't be doing a lot of clays at all, maybe the odd weekend if I get the urge or asked to go. It'll mainly be shooting around the farm.

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A mate of mine is in the same situation, his current collection is:


12b SxS AYA No.2

12b Benelli M2

20b O/U Beretta (not sure what type)

12b O/U Beretta Silver Pigeon

410 Bolt Action (not sure of the make)


He was saying the only one that was definitely staying was the 20b. Should qualify that though by saying he doesn't really go in for driven game or clays but does a lot of ferreting and also a bit of rough shooting, pigeons over deeks etc.

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