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I've never understood why some people do it? Any military personel get my respect, they don't have to be in the SAS! I wouldn't want to take the place of a battlefield cook, sod that! They all put their backsides on the line no matter what their role is.


The guys that have never been in the military stand out like a sore thumb usually. I've never been in the forces and can still spot them. Even the most basic knowledge can trip them up sometimes, issue weapons etc! :good:

I totally agree, these wannabes need to snap out of their imaginary worlds.


Do you know whats most worrying? Half these idiots have been spouting **** for so long they actually believe themselves!!!

Edited by noodly
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In my experience, the walts are normally those that served for a very short time (left during basic training) who talk about full careers in SF units or about daring do tales. Like has been said, it doesn't take too long to suss them out if you have been in yourself. It is quite satisfying seeing them squirm when I tell them I am still serving and what they had been saying was total tosh. Had one guy that said he had been in for 22 years try to tell me in a pub that the weapon we used to use (SLR) had a smaller round than we use now. SLR was 7.62 and SA80 is 5.56, if he had used them he would have known. :good:

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There's more Nick.


During the D-day offensive, one soldier was having a brew-up and his stove spilt over his foot - so he was sent back to a field hospital. Scroll on to V-E day and his mates saw him in a parade with a D-day medel + a wounded in action medal. :good:


In the 60's on guy who's name was Mr V.C.Harris but signed himself as Harris VC - didn't go down well with ww2 vets. :good:

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As long as you're not British and the 'friendlies' are American.


Then it's a roll of the dice.










I know, i know.. I was referring to being supported by you fine lads :good: We bomb our own lads :lol: Stupid ********!

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Well... I hold my hands up.... I am a paintball 'Walt' :good:


Once a year head off to Swynnerton Camp (past 2 yrs anyhow, before that it was midlands show ground) and 1,500 nutters in full assault gear blat the hell out of each other... damned good fun.... certainly doesn't make me any less of a person than someone who enjoys judo or knitting!! But then I don't claim to be anything more than a once a year paintballer.


Did do 2 years in the Duke of Lancs TA in my late youth and loved it, followed that by a VERY short stint in the RMP thinking my enjoyment of the TA would be mirrored but hated every minute of it and soon bought myself out.... looking back though, I wish I'd stayed in. Hindsight is a wonderful thing and knowing what I know about me and my personality now, the forces would have been the perfect environment for me. Pity it took me 20 odd years to realise it! :good:

Edited by Vipa
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May be some truth in that, however you might have also ended up with a generation of Chavs who not only can out run the police with a blue ray reader under both arms, but also had weapons and combat experience.


Not that soldiers are chavs....... though they can be if they want to be...............I think I might stop digging at this point Sorry :good:

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May be some truth in that, however you might have also ended up with a generation of Chavs who not only can out run the police with a blue ray reader under both arms, but also had weapons and combat experience.


Not that soldiers are chavs....... though they can be if they want to be...............I think I might stop digging at this point Sorry :good:


Hey Doc.. I cant ever remember having a shoot out with the police.. You could look at all your training? Do i see you doing boobs lifts in your garage? :good:

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Sorry Lee, I didn't quite mean what I said...... :good:

You see in the 1980's in the UK our then home secretary had the wonderful idea of sending young offenders to "boot camp". it was hailed as a great step forward in rehabilitation, but what it actually resulted in was a generation of young criminals who were fitter, harder and faster than the police who were tasked with protecting the rest of us from the excesses of youthful exuberance they were prone to displaying.

I suspect that a Chav will be a Chav regardless and if we conscript them they will simply be a trained Chav....After all it takes a huge degree of commitment to society to want to fight for that society, so I would suggest that soldiers are perhaps incompatible with Chavdom in a volunteer army. Perhaps not the case in a conscripted army, where a high proportion of your potential conscripts start of with a Chavish tendency. In my limited experience of soldiers, whilst a Doctor in Arbroath infirmary, the marines I dealt with were on the whole decent blokes, very committed to one and other and always respectful.

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Sorry Lee, I didn't quite mean what I said...... :good:

You see in the 1980's in the UK our then home secretary had the wonderful idea of sending young offenders to "boot camp". it was hailed as a great step forward in rehabilitation, but what it actually resulted in was a generation of young criminals who were fitter, harder and faster than the police who were tasked with protecting the rest of us from the excesses of youthful exuberance they were prone to displaying.

I suspect that a Chav will be a Chav regardless and if we conscript them they will simply be a trained Chav....After all it takes a huge degree of commitment to society to want to fight for that society, so I would suggest that soldiers are perhaps incompatible with Chavdom in a volunteer army. Perhaps not the case in a conscripted army, where a high proportion of your potential conscripts start of with a Chavish tendency. In my limited experience of soldiers, whilst a Doctor in Arbroath infirmary, the marines I dealt with were on the whole decent blokes, very committed to one and other and always respectful.



Hey Doc dont sweat it.. Never take a man opinion as an insult, unless directed as such.. You are good people :good:

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