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eel trap

davie mac

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  • 1 year later...

Anybody know were you can get an eel trap at, something thats easy to carry would be ideal.

There is a chap called Peter Carter in Ely Cambridgeshire who makes Fenland eel traps but I dont have any contact details for him , I think he was on Country File some time ago . The other place I have seen them I think is on one of the trap dealers stands at the Midland Game Fair but that was some time ago . I got some in the market at Chang Mia in Thailand wich were about 4 or 5 feet long & made from some thing like split bamboo & they were really interesting to look at & a bit to pretty to put in the water. Any way I dont suppose you would go all that way to get one ! so see if you can google up that chap in Ely . Good luck Pole Star .

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The problem in Scotland is the animal rights outfits have some very willing partners in the SNP Richard Lochhead was the original sponsor of the protection of wild mammals bill before Lord WATSON of ARSON took it on and the speaker Tricia Marwick was the seconder and worked Very closelly with advocates for animals and Roseanna Cuningham is an anti despite all the lobbying the SGA do. So far the Scottish Govt has loooked at hunting/snareing/ according to the SS pca dog fighting is rife in Scotland and since they had the Animal welfare 2006 (Scotland) made law they have been chargeing up to doors and taking lurchers and terriers into protective custody to stop them (Engageing in an animal fight)we have also lost Livebaiting ( I no longer fish for Pike} and now they've made catching Freshwater Eels illegal They have'nt explained that to the eels though as we've no shortage of them in Scotland. :no:

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snh are the biggest bunch of ******* idiots ive ever know!


we where asked our advice about the hedgpig trapping on lewis and their relocation to the mainland


"sir whats you thoughts on reliseing hedghogs in to the wild?"

us " yes i think its a wonder full idear"

snh " realy? we have had bad responces from every one else, do you have any sugestion as to where we should let them go?"

us " yes some where between the island and the mainland would be fine" :lol::lol: they hung up lol

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snh are the biggest bunch of ******* idiots ive ever know!


we where asked our advice about the hedgpig trapping on lewis and their relocation to the mainland


"sir whats you thoughts on reliseing hedghogs in to the wild?"

us " yes i think its a wonder full idear"

snh " realy? we have had bad responces from every one else, do you have any sugestion as to where we should let them go?"

us " yes some where between the island and the mainland would be fine" :lol::lol: they hung up lol

NICE ONE ! contempt should be fought with contemt !

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