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shotgun application


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hi everyone.need advise urgently.have applied for second time for licence ,first time refused for previous convictions.got my form signed by ex army rsm.form sent back ..not suitable.so got new form signed by doc but in hurry forgot to sign back..so i phoned up they had received it and had checked it and seemed in order..two weeks on returned by police .. please signso i did and off it went no delay then i wait and wait 2 1/2 months pass nothing so i ring and informed that feo has been chased up twice regarding my home visit but will chase him up.two days later he phones came yesterday 2 feos ...checks cabinet ..fine checks door locks ..fine ..window locks they prefer different ones ..ok my house fully alarmed no difference...so on to interview and the shock checks my details then informs me that in section on previous convictions ive have said yes then put theft ect which i did as im aware that they vett everyone anyway.he says ive committed offence by not putting all convictions down....i reply that i had put theft ect and the reason being im 37 and offences where when i was 15 and couldnt remember when what ect.he says i should of contacted some criminal bureo for details and attatched to form..how is a person with no knowledge of such a place to know this there is no mention in notes ect of such a place or attatching anything .i also stated that my form had been checked and sent back three times by firearms unit and never was this mentioned i had not completed properly.but it was noted it was not signed ect any views as im gutted...

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i think the form theyare on about is a D1,from the data protection agency,

or something like that.

basc if you are a member. but you may be in the brown stuff already.



if they have knocked you back on previous it cant have been for anything as far back as you say.22 years is a very long time.

Edited by markbivvy
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surely there is negligence on part of firearms licensing department who are ment to check and return forms if they are incorrect. he didnt say i wouldnt get it,he says hed put papers in with recomendation for window locks and put that i was unaware of the need tosupply all details ..i wasnt trying to hide the fact id convictions i had put theft ect which means ther was others....im considering filing complaint against department as i was told that form was in order and it clearly was not..

Edited by jab2004
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i'm forty next week and i have recently got my s/cert a couple of months ago.

They did make it quite clear on the form that it is a criminal offence to not declare any convictions etc. Hence the reason i even put down stuff going back to when i was fourteen years old. Even though i have not been in trouble for say twenty odd years i just did not want the hassle of the application being slowed down. Its just one of those things that you should take your time over when filling in the form. My application went through quickley with the met literally a few weeks which i take was because i gave them every little detail. Problem is although it was a genuine mistake on your behalf, they probably see it as maybe it was deliberate so it raises questions.

Keep trying and you should get there in the end.

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it was mentioned on another forum a few weeks back about the police tightening up on new applications and currant cert holders. perhaps you are the start of things to come. i think a chap on here will know a bit more about this.

i was talking to a shooter last week who's feo had called to see him out of the blue and asked him if he knew that his rifle mags had to be empty, and the bolt had to be out of the rifle while in transit. strange.

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bad luck keep on trying its a load of **** now to get a gun i first started shooting at 15 just go buy a gun great now its is your windows good enough is the locks ok, just the uk trying to stop us having guns and they will in time wait and see,it does **** you off.

Edited by mossy835
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Trouble is the form does say you have to put tings down if you can't put specifics then just put the offeences as being of a particular nature in approximately and put a year and month if you can.


I had a fine for a motoring offence but couldn't remeber exactly when but put an approximate date this was only about 3-4 years ago though.



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spoke to david barnes today from kerseys-law very helpfull .he says i must not accept a caution ect from police if they intend to persue the offence as this is a admission that i knownely withheld information..which i did not.he states it is very hard to prove this fact ....as i could not remember.. so i did not intentionally withhold info .this would of been easy to prove had i stated i had no conviction then was found to have some. but since i have put yes to the question of convictions and stated theft ect then i have not intentionally tried to withold info.

he has advised me to wait and see if im refused and what reasons are given.

but he states that i will have a good case for appeal to the crown court if refused


many thanks markbivvy for your advice..

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it was mentioned on another forum a few weeks back about the police tightening up on new applications and currant cert holders. perhaps you are the start of things to come. i think a chap on here will know a bit more about this.

i was talking to a shooter last week who's feo had called to see him out of the blue and asked him if he knew that his rifle mags had to be empty, and the bolt had to be out of the rifle while in transit. strange.

FEO's are not allowed to turn up out of the blue, they must make an appointment, if they have any issues at all, even if it is just to give advice.

This is from the Police Guidance

Wherever possible, the bolt, magazine or other vital operating part should be

separated from the gun and either carried on the person or secured or hidden in

the vehicle, or kept in a locked container, ideally secured to the vehicle if


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I am sure that FEO's are a law unto themselves, when mine came round for my FAC interview he didn't even check my cabinet as he had already checked it a year before for my SGC.


I had put on my form that I had a FAC application turned down about ten years ago as the police thought I did not have suitable land to shoot on, he told me to forget aboout this as it was to far in the past and they weren't worried about it. He also told me to up the ammo to buy and hold by double the ammount I had asked for. And then on his way up the drive he asked about my ammo safe, I said it's upstairs and he said OK and got in his car.


He is very fair but also a little bit slack.


Still it worked for me





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  • 1 month later...

hi guys just to update this post,got letter from police yesterday no further action for non disclosure on application form ,they accepted what i said and that i had not deliberately withheld info.then got a call from firearms licencing today application has been approved it in the post so its started out a good year now to get a gun sorted. :):):)

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