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Sako Quad bolt action spring......


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Hi guys...


I’ve cut down the spring slightly in the bolt that fires the firing pin and the action feels much better now. Hopefully I’ve not trimmed it too much, or I’ll be getting nasty miss-fire’s !! I’ll keep you informed ! (and back-up spacers on the ready :hmm: !!!!)


Is there anywhere in the UK that does a custom spring for the Sako Quad bolt ?? (just in case I’ve ******** mine up !!! :hmm: ha ha ha)


Bri.. :hmm:

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I did it to ease the bolting action as it was off-putting for me when I shot competition O/H – too stiff !!



I shot 8 B/R competition practice cards with the cut-down bolt spring tonight. I scored a 97 on the lowest card and 99 or 100's on the rest. If anything it shoots sharper !! The rifle is shooting blindingly good. I don't know if it's because the action is a fraction lighter, but whatever it is it works awesome !!!! (also a lot smoother on the final downward bolting action when it’s springing against the trigger...)


BRILL :hmm:



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I've often thought about stripping my sako bolt for maintenence but can't fathom the way to it - and yes I have the manual. It's probably my dyslexia but I can rarely follow written instructions unless acompanied by pictures.


Hint hint Bri. :hmm:

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Easy Dave.. :hmm:

Hold it tight and drop the arm in the bolt (action it as if it were in the rifle..) You might need to grip the firing pin end hard with a rag so you don’t hurt your hands twisting.

Then gently tap the black pin out of the top part (the black plastic cover that has the little red indicator sticking out of the rear..) Mind when you get the pin fully out as the spring will try and push the bolt housing open (and you don’t want to lose bits !!)


The bolt will simply slide apart then – Black top cover, red plastic indicator, main spring, outer shell with the bolt handle fixed to it, and inner chamber (the bit that actually pushes the firing pin in the bottom end – which incidentally is held in by the bottom pin, but I’ve not took that out so I can’t comment on that bit..)


When you put it all back together you’ll have to push down really hard to get the plastic end cover down on the main spring. Use a small screw driver (about the same thickness of the pin..) to hold it in place where the pin would go, then tap the pin in from the other side pushing the screw driver clear out as the pin slides in....


DON’T cut the spring down too much if that’s what you’re doing. Only cut about one turn on the coil off, and make sure you build the bolt back together with the cut bit down inside and not rubbing against the plastic indicator pin !!



Bri.. :hmm:

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