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Lamp options


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Right... My lightforce 170 has packed up AGAIN, and I refuse to give them any more of my hard earned!




What are my options... Cluson? Ucaller? - Has anyone actually got one of these new Ucaller lamps? - are they Lightforce copies, and do they perform?


I need...


1 - It to be used on both rimfire and centrefire + foxing to 300 yards +


2 - Handheld


3 - Ideally with a dimmer, but I'll buy an inline one if I must.


What do PW say? :good:

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I have the cluson (cant remember the model, I'll get back to you) which performs very well. If I was going to get another, it would be the more powerful one (100 watt instead of 55).

My mate had the 170, that burnt itself out after about 6 months, and then bought a 240 blitz with VP, which did the same after about 12 months.

He now uses a secondhand 170 which is about 10 years old, and it is in good working order. Strange how 2 of the same things can be so different.

Cluson gets my vote :good:


EDIT: Mines the LA4

Edited by SSS
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Is the beam adjustable from spot to flood?


I have the cluson (cant remember the model, I'll get back to you) which performs very well. If I was going to get another, it would be the more powerful one (100 watt instead of 55).

My mate had the 170, that burnt itself out after about 6 months, and then bought a 240 blitz with VP, which did the same after about 12 months.

He now uses a secondhand 170 which is about 10 years old, and it is in good working order. Strange how 2 of the same things can be so different.

Cluson gets my vote :good:


EDIT: Mines the LA4

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Turns out, it's the dimmer switch that's burnt out on mine...


I could replace it with a new one, and re do all the wiring whilst I'm at it


What do people that have DIY'd their Lightforce suggest I use to join the cables together?

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replace the whole lot right back to the lamp and solder all connections, leave the crocodile clips you have at the moment or hardwire it if you are just going to use in your truck. I reckon some were fitted with cables with copper that has gone brittle over time as they all go near the cigarette socket and near the handle. I've got to do my scope mounted one at some point as that is fubared but they are the best lamps out there and no point spending hard earned when its just the cable

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The U caller is a Lightforce copy but IMO opinion has a better switch. The Lightforce is overpriced and not very good quality IMO and I would happily buy a u caller if my LF 170 ever packed up. But as it is in essence a case and a few wires I would just go to maplins and buy the right bits and rebuild it. It is after all only a bulb, a switch and a length of cable.


I have a 1/4" mono jack socket on mine as a power lead and a socket on my battery.

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so what cable is best can you get the coiled cable anywhere or is it a case of going with normal flex?


If you go to a model shop and get some silicone power cable like they use on batteries for model cars, or ask in maplins and they will work out the current for you and they will probably have it on a roll.


The majority of the coiled cables are rubbish and all go brittle after time. I still have one on my LF but when that goes I have 4M of sillicone cable ready to go.

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