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Logun Penetrator Pellets


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I've just bought 400 Logun Penetrators. I thought that a pellet designed for PCP rifles would be more accurate (and give better kills as they are heavier) but they can't touch accupels through my S16S, I can't get a group (5 pellets) less than 2" at 25 yds with them but accupels are about 1/2" group at the same distance. Your opinions would be appreciated.

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Logun Penetrators (Exterminators) are very well made pellets, but are very barrel fussy... they seem to either shoot amazingly well or pretty awfull.


The .22's seem to suit far fewer guns than the .177's in my experience. If they work in your gun they can be extremely accurate.


Tony De Cross won the UKAHFT championship using them a couple of years ago !


So they cant be all that bad ...



Edited by The Shootist
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one thing you will learn if you like to have a variety of rifles is, no matter how many rifles you have you will always find you need more types of pellets, some rifle s like one type and others hate them, so dont throw or give away any pellets as you never know when you might find a rifle that ikes them, and by this time the price will probably be well above what you paid for them now LOL


ROB :)

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I thought that a pellet designed for PCP rifles would be more accurate (and give better kills as they are heavier) but they can't touch accupels through my S16S, I can't get a group (5 pellets) less than 2" at 25 yds with them but accupels are about 1/2" group at the same distance. Your opinions would be appreciated.

I use two types of pellets in my .22 kit


Crossman Accupel


Air Arms Field


Both domed type


Forget the rest


Ive :rolleyes:

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one thing you will learn if you like to have a variety of rifles is, no matter how many rifles you have you will always find you need more types of pellets, some rifle s like one type and others hate them, so dont throw or give away any pellets as you never know when you might find a rifle that ikes them, and by this time the price will probably be well above what you paid for them now LOL


ROB ;)

Throw!!! Give!!! not while I've still got a hole in my **** ;):rolleyes: :thumbs:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I still have 600 of the things and my Alros hates em so does my Career.


They are not too bad out of the Gunpowers i have but i think they are a waste of money ;)


I let my Brother in law use the Logun s-16 and he shot a rabbit (chest shot) at 30 yards.


I opened the rabbit up to cook fer the dog and found the pellet in the chest cavity with NO deformation what so ever :thumbs:


I always though a mushrooming effect was best to cause severe trauma to the tissues?


Oh well i will stick to H&N FTT from now on as ALL my rifle like those


Lord Geordie

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  • 2 weeks later...

Exterminators are made of Lead

Using the Tin Dynamic Shape


Loguns have Brought Production Rights to certian Rounds

And sold as Logun Penetrators


They are only made of one Head size per Calibre

Reason they might not work in some Gun's


But like Dynamics they do give best results in a Clean Dry Action and Barrel


Design is normally Flatter Shooter than Wasted Pellets


They will not Group anywhere near other wasted pellets.


So testing does need a little time and effort


A Growing number of Serious Shooters do use them

Otherwise someone is buying Hundreds of Boxes per week and Storing them

As Factory is Flat out making them


I recently Brought out New Weights


.177 @ 15.00 Grains - Made for FAC's

.22 @ 18.00 Grains - Made for FAC's

.25 @ 25 Grains - Made for FAC's


I do have Free Trial pots of Above

Please email Name & address, confirming Calibre , make & Model Gun.


I Still have limited Stock of 9.50's in .177 & 20.50's in .22





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Am I correct in assuming they are a longer pellet than the average?

If so will they cope with a multishot magazine?

I have seen it somewhere where it says a pellet is not suitable for a mag'.


All Exterminators - Logun Penetrators will Fit in Most known Magazines


When we design and bring out New Rounds We do make them to fit the top

Ten Gun and Magazines.



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tried them in my Axsors a solo and a S410 :sly: did not suit the barrels at all , so gave them away at the club .


Funny how we used those guns in Design & Testing


They do need to have a Clean & Dry Barrel And Action

to Find the Rifleing


They will have a Total different Aim point to a Wasted Pellets



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