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Cannot unscrew .22lr rifle silencer properly

Aldous Huxley

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So after only just finding out I should store my .22lr rifle sans silencer on :good: , I cannot now unscrew the thing (I unscrewed it last over a month ago). My VQ Carbon fibre barrel has a 1/2unf adaptor, and I can unscrew that from the barrel, but cannot unscrew the adaptor from the silencer, I assume due to gunk buildup on the thread. Can anyone suggest how to separate the two without a sledge hammer? Thanks in advance.

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WD40 usually works for mine, though I store my LR with the mod on (it's a 16" barrel so it wouldn't stand up in the cabinet without it).


Make sure you oil the threads well when you put it back together, mine can go a while between cleans but it always comes off easily.

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