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Bit angry over this one


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Alright everyone.


A few years ago i took my BSA superten to one of the local gunshops for the barrel to be screw cut.


This cost me about £50 and the job looked ok however i never tested it and put it back in the cabinet :(


The next time i came to use the gun properly and it was spraying pellets a bit :hmm: - not significantly but not the kinda accuracy expected at 30-40yds with a pcp. I checked the gun over but never linked it with the barrel until i sent it off to John Bowkett for a Blueprint who told me the screw cut had ######it up. Well never mind cos Mr Bowkett fitted a new barell for just £30 and i just forgot about it :P


Anyways i didnt think i would go back to that gunshop but last year i thought about selling the s10 and associated kit so put it up in the gunshop (A 10%commission based sale).

A month later and it had not sold at my desired price so i picked it back up with the gun pump :good:


When the gunshop owner handed me the pump i said it didnt look like mine as mine had plastic grip not rubber for the handles. The bloke told me it was the only one he had and me not using the airgun and pump much took his word for it :P


What a stupid **** i was. Well i jus took the kit home and put back in the cupboard until last weekend when i went to pump the gun up and it woudnt fill the buddy bottle at all - then the pump fell apart :P I was and am pretty angry but decided i better think about the situation before going to shop :good: I know i have been an absolute idiot and it is my own fault but the bloke has had my eyes out here.


I have dug out the manual for my pump but dont have a receipt cos it was 10 years ago when i bought it.


How dear may it be to fix it - any ideas please? anything else i could do other than break his nose ^_^


Thanks for any help and open to abuse :yes:

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Go back, explain the situation (and about the screw-cut). Its always the first thoughts we have is to clobber the guy. It might be a genuine mistake, and they might sort the issue for you. If they still wont list to what you say, put it very nicely, that you will tell over 10,000 people the level of service you recieved and leave the shop. We can then decided for ourselves if we want to use that shop again, knowing that they could be a bunch of scoundrels.

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If you are convinced he has snaffled your pump, pop in (as its often easier face to face) and explain its def not your pump, as you have checked the pictures from a classified ad you put up, somone must have taken your pump when they collected their gun.

Failing that... a quick call to your local FEO and explain whats gone on and see if he can help, as im sure he would be interested?! or at least he can have a quiet word on your behalf.


As an edit:-

To be honest if its 11 months since you took the pump and gun home you may as well forget it and move on or but a cheap second hand pump

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There's a lesson to be learned from this, it may pay all of us when taking any gun into any shop to jot down the credentials and quick pic with a snappy, will back it up.




If you are convinced he has snaffled your pump, pop in (as its often easier face to face) and explain its def not your pump, as you have checked the pictures from a classified ad you put up, somone must have taken your pump when they collected their gun.

Failing that... a quick call to your local FEO and explain whats gone on and see if he can help, as im sure he would be interested?! or at least he can have a quiet word on your behalf.


As an edit:-

To be honest if its 11 months since you took the pump and gun home you may as well forget it and move on or but a cheap second hand pump

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I am going to try and pop in this week and explain the situation taking along the manual for my pump. I will be civil and polite but if i get fobbed off i will name and shame. Thanks for the replies and i'll keep you informed. :good:


If anyone knows of any gunshops/ people who repair pumps please give me shout.



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Off track a bit but whenever i take a gun into the gunshop for repair the owner always puts whether a gun slip has been handed over with it and a desciption of same onto the reciept. Said in the past that he had no end of bother with slips getting lost/swapped etc so he soon learnt to make sure the details of all accessories are written down, as much to cover himself as anyone else.

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So the shop did you a bad screwcut but you still went back? Not sure I would have done!


I thought to myself i'll never go back there but didnt think i could be harmed by selling the gun through the shop and thought that he maybe didnt realise hed done a poor screw cut. Gave them a second chance if you like to my regret.

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