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WTC scopes were all the rage back a few years ago and had the price range to match, 3.5-10x50 did used to cost around the £200+ mark. But Uttings are selling the same scope now for £139. But for that amount of money you do get a decent quality budget scope. I used to own WTC 4x40 and they were superb scope. I liked the black granite finish on them, as it held the scope in the mounting better. If you got the money to buy the scope then do so. IMHO their a scope thats been around for a whlie but still worth their price tag.





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How much is a second hand one worth these days? 3.5-10x50.....


I've seen them go for as little as £65 on forums, more usually on ebay.


I've had a couple (3.5-10x40 and 6.5-20x50 - both filipino made) and tbh didn't rate either very highly (I know I'm in the minority), I have a Hawke Endurance 30IR on my LR now and that's much much better.

Edited by Colster
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The NEW cheaper scopes are just that, the original was made in the Philippines and to be honest, by way of lens, engineering, design, construction and finish was worth its price tag of £200-£210.


The latest versions are made in China (I believe) and are not up to the original!

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