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few pigeons today


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Had a quiet afternoon workwise so too off wioth the dog and gun after a few pigeons. Met up with the farm manager who told me a guy had been up there nearly every day this week so there might not be much about :o

Found the area he had been using as a hide and spent the next 15 minutes picking up his empties, about 40 odd, 1 yogurt carton aand a twix wrapper :welcomeani::no:

I decided it was not worth trying there! Drove of to the other end of the farm and spotted a few on the rape stubble that had already been min-tilled. It then started to drizzle and to be honest it looked a bit of a dead loss, my enthusiasm was fast disappearing, but having arrived I thought I would give it a go. Builtthe hide, set out 12 shells and 6 full bodied. The first faller went on the flapper, the next two went on some home made landers. It was a bit sporadic, but having started at 2.30 I called it a day at 7pm

Ended up with 27 pigeons and 4 crows. Not a huge bag but a good afternoon all the same.


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that gets my goat as well because it says to you i;ve had a good bash at em.. and you could get the blame for them if farmer finds em because you were the last one there.. anyway well done again mate nice bag :welcomeani::no:

Edited by yickdaz
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I've had to pick up after other shooters a few times in the past! I mean it's annoying enough that they've sneaked in before you but when your having to clean up after them it's another story! :welcomeani: At least you put a bit of a bag together mate... :no:

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Thanks for the replies... ironically the last time out I picked up the left overs from some campers that had been allowed to stay overnight. 2 empty vodka bottles, 6 cider bottles and two carrier bags of assorted dross. The farm manager dealt with the tent!!There is a reason why the country is so beautiful...but they don't seem to get it :welcomeani::no:

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