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308 howa 1500 varmint

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The new toy is nice it shoots better than I do, I started with some factory PPU rounds knocking down the snaffo's at 300 yards the nephew was getting them as well.

Then I tried some rounds that I had made up for my previous 308 (midlands stalker) and they would not chamber but fitted fine in the previous gun.


I took some of them apart when I got home the measurements seemed to be within limits put them together without powder or primer and tried to chamber again it would not close.


Can anyone tell me what the problem is

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have you resized the cases? as if they were fire formed for your midland they possibly are to large for the howa,

Also you need to check the overall length of the round you need for the howa, its not a simple measurement as the angle of the bullet head needs to be just off the lands of the rifleing in the gun.

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Tollerance levels on all ammo/cases is debateable, Sako will not Chamber in my .243 and several CCI will not chamber in my .22lr, I suspect there are a lot more I have not tried in all my other calibres.


Thats the way it is!


In simple terms the ammo/case is too big for the breech..but I guess you worked that out! :good:

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have you resized the cases? as if they were fire formed for your midland they possibly are to large for the howa,

Also you need to check the overall length of the round you need for the howa, its not a simple measurement as the angle of the bullet head needs to be just off the lands of the rifleing in the gun.

AS above be aware that jambing or jumping the bullet can have a large effect on presure and how do you know the load is going to be safe in the new gun anyway even if it fit. Noo, work up charges slow;y again get the COL correct for the new gun working steady towards the launds and full length size that brass. If you do not completely understand the handloading process get someone to teach you, handloading can be dangerous even fatal if done incorrectly

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sam I had a similar experience, bought some reloading gear from someone giving up and he had a couple of made up rounds to get rid of so I said I'd take them and just use on targets. Bad move first one jammed 3/4 into the chamber and would not come out for love nor money. Came out eventually but lesson learned and its one that applies to a lot on here buying / being given second hand brass. Once you've taken a shot the case is effectively fitted to your chamber and put it in a different gun it may go in it may not. In our cases they don't so you have to full length resize them and effectively fireform them again. Then you can go back to neck sizing, in your case above the type of brass is unlikely to make a difference more the rifle they were fired in to start with.

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sam I had a similar experience, bought some reloading gear from someone giving up and he had a couple of made up rounds to get rid of so I said I'd take them and just use on targets. Bad move first one jammed 3/4 into the chamber and would not come out for love nor money. Came out eventually but lesson learned and its one that applies to a lot on here buying / being given second hand brass. Once you've taken a shot the case is effectively fitted to your chamber and put it in a different gun it may go in it may not. In our cases they don't so you have to full length resize them and effectively fireform them again. Then you can go back to neck sizing, in your case above the type of brass is unlikely to make a difference more the rifle they were fired in to start with.

Absolutely correct, any fired cases you buy or are given that have been fired in a different rifle have to be full length reisized first time around. Except for the random possibility that the chamber they were fired in was tighter than the chamber of your rifle in which case you might just get away with it. However, even then you have to check every case individually because there is always the possibility that some of the cases may have come from another source and got mixed in.

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