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Freezing birds for decoys


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Thanks for that RRUK. Will definitely do that.


Any more ideas on a number of times they can be refrozen in winter? I know that in summer, even freezing them once and reusing attracts the flies and stink.

If using dead frozen birds becomes a feasible option I'll have to invest in a separate little freezer to keep them in.

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If you are going to need to invest in a feeezer to keep your dead (decoy) birds in, does this mean you intend to keep a lot back for decoys ?


I only keep back a few for the rotary, flapper and floaters (about 6-8).

They are heavy enough to lug about, I certainly wouldn't want to carry 20-30 frozen pigeons, instead of a similar amount of plastic decoys.

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If you want to keep pigeons in good nick in the freezer try putting them in the leg of the misses old tights or a stocking...and no silly remarks please.


It also works if you shoot a trophy bird that's going to the taxidermist.


In summer take some ice cubes or better still buy a bag of 'em from your local supermarket. That in an old potato sack will keep dead birds cool and keep the flies off.

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I agree with Cranfield. Keep replenishing your birds with freshly frozen ones as you will notice that birds get a darker plumage the more you use them. Just compare a freshly shot bird with one of your frozzies and you`ll notice the difference in colour.


Be picky and use the immaculate birds, with few feathers out of place, and preferably not those with dislocated necks, from the coup-de-grace. Remember also to defrost them in good time, or you will find difficulty getting the spike of the rotary, or flapper, up the gearbox and through the body!!

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as said if you freeze a bottle of water or juice in a plastic bottle and putin a hessian bag along with 6 or so pigeons you will have a cold drink all day by the time it defrosts in the sun and good quality fresh birds, also works with fresh ones you shoot in the morning hope this helps

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