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big bang

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I have both shotgun and FAC but there is a restriction on the FAC saying that I must be with an experienced FAC holder when I go shooting with my rifle The people I used to go with wont take me because I do not have a 4x4 . I have the permission to shoot a 22 lr on local land wich has been passed by the firearms dept this is also the land I use my shotgun

for pigeons and rabbits. I live in Telfod and now have a rifle I cant use, Can anyone help please? I do have transport but not a 4x4. as a last resort I will give up my FAC and stick to my shotguns .

Regs Rick

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Just clarify a bit, you have a mentor restriction for what calibres? Surely not a .22lr?


If not, buy an .22 and use the permission you have, under no circumstances give up the FAC! You've jumped through hoops to get it.



I have both shotgun and FAC but there is a restriction on the FAC saying that I must be with an experienced FAC holder when I go shooting with my rifle The people I used to go with wont take me because I do not have a 4x4 . I have the permission to shoot a 22 lr on local land wich has been passed by the firearms dept this is also the land I use my shotgun

for pigeons and rabbits. I live in Telfod and now have a rifle I cant use, Can anyone help please? I do have transport but not a 4x4. as a last resort I will give up my FAC and stick to my shotguns .

Regs Rick

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If your mates won't take you out anymore because you don't have a 4x4 they are mates you could do without. On the other hand why not ask them if they will at least write you a letter explaining that they think you are safe enough to have the mentor restriction removed, its worth a try.

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I have my first FAC now, and in the interview I agreed with the FEO to have a mentor for my .243, and not for the rimfires/FAC Air.


My certificate came through with a mentor condition on the whole lot. I called the FEO, who agreed that was not what he had in mind.


I wrote a letter explaining my experience with legal limit air rifles and with shotguns, my knowledge of the permission, and the fact that my mentor is too far away to come over to shoot vermin. Today I got a phone call to say they will lift that condition, and to return my FAC for amendment.


So, drop them a well written letter, it worked for me.

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That sounds like a good idea Ill give it a go




Where are you in the country? I see no reason whatsoever to have a restriction on a .22, speak to your FEO. For what its worth I got lr/hmr and centrefire with no restrictions.

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Are you a BASC member? Seems like a case overly strong conditions especially if you have SGC and experience, I would contact BASC (if not a member well worth siging up as it gives you insurance as well as advice and support). If the Police felt you were suitable for an FAC and SGC I can't see why you cant use them on land cleared for the use of them! Also seems the assistance of people that you have a 4x4 is an intentional barrier, perhaps the neighbour isn't happy about you getting FAC.....people do feel threatened when they encourage new comers, perhaps you put their nose out of joint by not telling them all about it.

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Where are you in the country? I see no reason whatsoever to have a restriction on a .22, speak to your FEO. For what its worth I got lr/hmr and centrefire with no restrictions.



I totally agree, but you would be surprised, I know of several, and I have had to write the letters/mentor 2 of them....


This sort of restriction is not that exceptional anymore on first grant!!! :rolleyes::good:

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