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Rotary joy

Pigeon Pieman

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Hi all.  I'm in a fortunate position of getting back into pigeon shooting after some time away.  The question is this.. Do I buy a rotary or are they not as good as I've been led to believe?  The money isn't an issue (sounds a bit brash but I've saved up for one!), its just you may think I could do more with my money!  Regardless of being it home made or shop made, will it help? :thumbs:

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Magnets are certainly a big advantage in many situations.During my previous two outings I have had one superb day with a magnet and one average day without.Magnets appear to be at there best when birds are getting plenty of stick and are reluctant to decoy. They will also pull birds from greater distances and birds that would otherwise of passed by wide of the hide and on crops such as maize and laid wheat where conventional decoy patterns may not be seen so easily. Experiment with it for best results.

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:thumbs: PP Can give you a good example of rotary use today.

  We got to a rape field with birds flocking to it from all sides.We set up with just plastic decoys as I had forgotten to take 2 birds out of the freezer for the rotor.

It took us over an hour to get 2 birds to use but as soon as we started the rotor off they started coming in to us.

In the first hour they had come into the surrounding trees but had not come in close enough for effective shooting.

 I can vouch for their effectiveness on days like today but have found in the past that if the birds don,t want to feed in your particular field nothing will pull them in.

I look forward to reading other shooters views. :D

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Hi, Pigeon Pie Man, I too am getting back into it after time spent breaking clays.

In my opinion, rotary's are very good, but you still need to be in the right place on the field at the right time.

Make sure that you get a model that doesn't require a forklift to carry it across the field, (some of the earlier models weighed a ton...!!!), and it should also have a reasonably fast spin speed, as a slow spin is a real turn off to the pigeons.

Mine is already in the car ready for use tommorow, I picked up 77 last Sunday, and I am sure that I drew birds that would have flown past a static pattern. Good Luck...!!!

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Apparently in some parts of the country, they are not as effective as they were.


That is not the case where I shoot.

They will bring birds from some distance, if only to have a look at your decoys.


I agree with the advice to test the carrying weight of various models.

Its amazing how much they vary.

I have the Pinewood and have no complaints.

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Thanks guys,

It seems, speaking to some 'locals' that they are quite effective where I live.  I've looked at a few - some lighter than others! - and subject to a call tomorrow will get one from one of our web mates.  Weight isn't too much of a problem, at 18 stone and 6' 4" I've sort of grown up as a bit of a pack horse!  Thanks for thbe advice and quick responses.

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