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Forend damage


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Just noticed a small split in the wood of my forend ,not to bad at the moment but may get worse .Whats the best line of attack ,a touch of glue myself? or a visit to the gunsmith ? or just live with it. How easy is it to get hold of a replacement forend if things go from bad to worse?

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Last time I asked a forend wood was £100 + ...

Depends where the split is but it may be possible to 'open' it slightly and get a decent wood glue in, the hold with light pressure (rubber bands?), clean up any the squeezes out and finish with some stock oil or whatever the current finish is.....

I did one with a small split in the tip and it was invisible.

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new forend may not match the stock either, was offered a 687 a few days back nice sound gun other than had a forend swop and was miles different to the stock so was enough to stop me buying it.


i think some PVA wood glue and rubber bands as said above would be the way to go...

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