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gun fits


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looking to buy a gun and trying to find out how each make fits particular builds, Im looking at hopefully beretta browning miroku but maywell be a lanber or similar.

I keep searching for where i read beretta seem to suit tall long limbed people etc . I realize theres no hard and fast rules but would like to hear peoples thoughts

Im a touch under 6 foot but very large built ??? ??

any pointers please folks


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I would say, get to a shop and try a few out with guidance from someone who knows what they are on about.

If one fits you and you like it it doesn't matter who makes it, as long as you are happy with it and you can shoot with it.


I looked at a Browning, Miroku and a Beretta, the Beretta just seemed to come up better to me, the shop owner (a very experienced shot) agreed.

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im 6'2" and 17stn(ish!) so fairly big!

I tried several guns...browning, berretta,, AYA, baikal and lanber...i found that i was more comfortable with a larger, sturdier gun which in my case was the lanber. Its all down to preference...a couple of guys who i shoot with have fired a couple of cartridges through my lanber and say although it shoots well, they struggle to move it around as it is that bit heavier.

You definately need to pick up the gun and actually hold it and get a feel for it.

Hope this helps


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It`s all to do with the shape of your face and a little to do with the length of your neck. Its mainly to do with the distance between your underside of the cheek bone and the pupil of your shooting eye being sat on or just above the rib with your head on the stock. Also the flesh and bone on your face putting your pupil dead centre of the rib or not as the case may be.

It all has to be correct with the stock at the correct length.

Try/play with them all and find the one that fits, its not always the one that feels best to a newbie and is often not the best looking.

Edited by COACH
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looking to buy a gun and trying to find out how each make fits particular builds, Im looking at hopefully beretta browning miroku but maywell be a lanber or similar.

I keep searching for where i read beretta seem to suit tall long limbed people etc . I realize theres no hard and fast rules but would like to hear peoples thoughts

Im a touch under 6 foot but very large built :yahoo: ??

any pointers please folks


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Hi I am 5’9’’ and of heavy build, had the same problem all the normal stuff, sort of fitted but I was never 100 percent happy until a few months ago. I was working my way along the shelf of the local gun shop when alleluia! I found a gun that fitted me like no other had. It turned out to be a Winchester Select Sporting 2. Perhaps worth giving one a try?

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It`s all to do with the shape of your face and a little to do with the length of your neck. Its mainly to do with the distance between your underside of the cheek bone and the pupil of your shooting eye being sat on or just above the rib with your head on the stock. Also the flesh and bone on your face putting your pupil dead centre of the rib or not as the case may be.

It all has to be correct with the stock at the correct length.

Try/play with them all and find the one that fits, its not always the one that feels best to a newbie and is often not the best looking.

Bearing in mind exactly what is said above, wear some spring/autumn clothing when going looking. Try mounting the gun ensuring it neither catches on your clothing nor needs to be pulled back into the shoulder pocket. Assuming right shoulder, hold gun steady with right hand and see how many fingers of the left you can slide between your nose and gripping right hand. If the gun mounts smoothly with about a 2 or 3 finger space then all should be well when it comes to winter or summer dress. Finally, mount gun (again right shoulder) shooting at your right eye in the mirror provided and you'll soon see what COACH is on about. If all this checks out then it's worth considering.

No mirror? Wrong shop!


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looking to buy a gun and trying to find out how each make fits particular builds, Im looking at hopefully beretta browning miroku but maywell be a lanber or similar.

I keep searching for where i read beretta seem to suit tall long limbed people etc . I realize theres no hard and fast rules but would like to hear peoples thoughts

Im a touch under 6 foot but very large built :yahoo: ??

any pointers please folks



My advice would be to find a gun you like and are happy with, and have it fitted to you :good: .

I am 5'8" and about 15 stone (poetic licence involved here) :no: and shoot a Browning 32" barrel sporter I have had since new, having it fitted was the best thing ever, and well worth the few quid I paid :D , you just need to find a decent stocker. I used Peter Godfrey at Royston, Herts, sorry I did not see where you were based. If you drop me a PM I will give you Peter's contact details, if it is of interest, he may be able to tell you of a stocker in your area :oops: .

bakerboy "Terry"

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My advice would be to find a gun you like and are happy with, and have it fitted to you :D .

I am 5'8" and about 15 stone (poetic licence involved here) :hmm: and shoot a Browning 32" barrel sporter I have had since new, having it fitted was the best thing ever, and well worth the few quid I paid :( , you just need to find a decent stocker. I used Peter Godfrey at Royston, Herts, sorry I did not see where you were based. If you drop me a PM I will give you Peter's contact details, if it is of interest, he may be able to tell you of a stocker in your area :lol: .

bakerboy "Terry"


Dont know about his gunsmith but I agree completely with Bakerboy's comment

Being a 6" tall and round L/h with slightly odd measurements, finding a gun on a gundealers shelf that fits me properly is about as likely as finding someone that likes Gordon Brown in the home counties. Consequently both my O/U guns have been altered in cast to fit me - in the case of my latest gun i got it done before i even fired it!


Getting a gun's cast altered should cost no more than 500 club clay carttridges. Get the gun you like/can get a good deal on and get it cast to fit.

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cheers guys


been to 4 shops now and the one that felt the best was a bettisolini with sideplates,


Bettinsoli are a very attractive gun I am always drawn to them in dealers racks, they have a mixed reviews tho. Apart from feeling them have you fired any?

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