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if he had a strawbale to sit on and shot from seated it should be ok :yes:



Exactly, it just takes a bit of common sense.


Mung, as our legal expert can you advise if MC has a case in the European Courts against the CPSA for being tallist ?


If MC did stand as CEO he could start a new class of AAAAA +++ VERY TALL CLASS and sandbag all the events :look:

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The South African guy is Bobby Watkins who is a membership recruitment officer - his role is to promote the CPSA at grounds and shows etc, and to recruit from enquiries and lapsed memebrs.


While he has general knowledge, he is not a technical officer. This is the role of the Regions' Safety or Registration official. That is a regional post, and if there is an issue with cage sizes at a CPSA REgistered Ground on a Registerd shoot, then the Regional Safety Officer would deal with it.


It should be noted, that disabled cage type and size only applies to Registered shoots. These are shoots were the operating ground agrees to comply with CPSA Registered requirements including cage type and size.


If the shoot / layout is not registered, or not being used for a Registered shoot, while the CPSA does recommend a cage design it cannot enforce use of any size or shape. The disabled shooter can report the matter to their Regions Safety Officer for investigation if the shoot is a CPSA Registered one, but beyond that cages are a ground's commercial decision and the shooter should address his/her concerns to the ground manager.


If a ground's layout does not comply with registered requirements, and this is correctly reported to the CPSA for action, the ground would be asked to amend their layouts for compliance before the next registered shoot. Failure to do so could result in de-registration of the layout or the ground.





I would withdraw your application for CEO fast if I were you. I would think that posessing the ability to read might be one of the things they will be looking for. In my posts it states that both these times they were REGISTERED shoots, so therefore HAVE to comply with the CPSA rules. Yet they don't.


What do the CPSA do?


SWEET FA that is what.


Whether Bobby Watkins is a recruitment officer or a regional officer ar whatever he still should be able to do something about it. Especially as he was ringing me to find out why I was not rejoining, and that was one of the reasons I gave him.


I would have thought it was exactly his job be sorting out an issue if it meant people weren't rejoining. After all surely a remit for a recruitment officer is to sort the issues out so people rejoin isn't it?


Is that to sensible for the likes of the CPSA?

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I have to be a member so we can shoot Abroad, otherwise I would not bother :yes: I lapsed for a year and had no contact with the CPSA, It really did not change my life :look: I also had no contact from them to find out why I had not rejoined.

Edited by leaseone
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I have to be a member so we can shoot Abroad, otherwise I would not bother :yes: I lapsed for a year and had no contact with the CPSA, It really did not change my life :look: I also had no contact from them to find out why I had not rejoined.



I have shot in spain twice without being a member of the CPSA,


why do you need to be a member...



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I have shot in spain twice without being a member of the CPSA,


why do you need to be a member...




Sean ( :hmm: )


Leaseone said shoot Abroad maybe "Abroad" is a small territory or principality owned by Catamong that have their own strict CPSA related laws :look: :yes:


I have shot at the Marbella Gun Club and didnt require any insurance.

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Sean ( :lol: )


Leaseone said shoot Abroad maybe "Abroad" is a small territory or principality owned by Catamong that have their own strict CPSA related laws :hmm::good:


I have shot at the Marbella Gun Club and didnt require any insurance.


OK, I'll admit I do have extensive Real Estate interests abroad, one can get a trifle bored by the targets on offer in the UK, it's nice to jump on the Lear Jet at a moments notice. :yes:


I believe what Leaseone is referring to is the fact that if you want to shoot any competitions abroad that are run by the International shooting organisation FITASC, you must be a CPSA member, good job too. :look:



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Sean ( :) )


Leaseone said shoot Abroad maybe "Abroad" is a small territory or principality owned by Catamong that have their own strict CPSA related laws ???:D


I have shot at the Marbella Gun Club and didnt require any insurance.



FT, ???


thats where i shot.....we got a discount because we were members of a shooting organization...either basc/ngo or the other one.... ???


Great place but i heard they were having legal problems.....


great place for a north v south shoot though.....rain shouldnt be a problem




oh just a thought.....maybe "abroad" is quarry species for AA registered shooters... :good:

Edited by shaun4860
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My personal experience of the CPSA is a mixed one. Recently it has been almost entirely bad.


There are still many good points, not least the insurance package.


Recent events in the hierarchy of CPSA have led to it becoming a rudderless ship lost in the fog.


There is no leadership, there are too many individuals with their own agendas and plans all implementing changes as they see fit.


There are too many arbitrary changes with absolutely no thought to the future consequences. These lead to further ill thought out changes to remedy situations which were foreseeable to anyone able to think ahead. Pushing you own agenda seems more important than forwarding the sport and the association.

Many have lead to serious financial costs being incurred unecessarily. The Directors responsible should be accountable.


Changes discussed and approved at Board Level, as is only right an proper, are then altered back at the whim of individual Directors without further discussion.


The tail seems to be wagging the dog.


There is no proper procedure, there is no accountability, there is no control.


If you send an email to HQ it is either ignored or answered badly.

It can take ages for anybody to answer the phone and then often they cannot deal with your query.

Why has it taken the governing body 8 months to still not have any Rule Books for its own disciplines for example? Unacceptable.



There needs to be a forceful and respected CEO with the full backing of a unified Board.

There needs to be a declared long term plan which is adhered too and openly reported on as to progress.

The Board needs to accountable for its actions.


The problem with governing a largely individual competitive sport is that inevitably competitive individuals will be involved.


The needs of this sport are bigger than those of any individual.

We need an Organisation, CEO and Board that acknowledge this fact and behave accordingly.

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