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Vorsprung Durch Technick

Fisherman Mike

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Just scrolling down the websites of a few well known Shooting Equipment companies... I was amazed at the variety and complexity of equipment available now to fool the wary woody.


We have camo, decoys, shells, full bodies up or down, flexi this and flexi that,lofters, floaters, springers, swingers, bouncers, cradles, magnets, flappers, peckers, spreaders, batteries & bags, intermittent time control thingy bobbys,speed controllers, springsticks et al et al.....


Me thinks this decoying lark is getting a bit out of hand and is now becoming so technologically advanced it could be construed that we are acting outside the remit of the revised general licence :lol:


Does this stuff float your boat ? Does it give you results..?


At the risk of being shot down in flames and being black balled from the Main suppliers shops I would confidently say that it doesnt improve your chances too greatly.


Last weekend I sat under a gnarled old oak picking off pigeons from the canopy as they headed overhead to a land in an adjacent rape field and shot 34 in 6 hours... No decoys or this that and the other... just me, the dog, a packet of Cafe creme mild, a thermos flask and a mars bar... Total cost including the cigars £ 9.75 :lol:



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It's going the same way as carp fishing FM. It's like a lot of things that make life complicated, try 'em by all means, but usually the simple ways are best and more rewarding.Like you say there is nothing better that a bit of flight line shooting where you have to have your wits about you to make any sort of bag.

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People are always going to try and buck the odds in whatever they do. Likewise, people are always going to try and make money out of people trying to buck the odds.


I'd be asking myself if it really was sport if you felt you had to use all these aids to get results. I can't believe pigeons have got smarter. Ok, if it's your job and you _meed_ to get a lot, then fine, but for pleaseure?



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Undoubtably much of the gear becoming available, especially cammo stuff and some of the electronics, is catching more shooters than pigeons (very similar to Angling).


However, the basics are still required if you are shooting over crops (as opposed to shooting under trees, or roost shooting).

Try setting up on a crop field without any decoys at all and see how much luck you have.

As we are trying to control an agricultural pest, then surely its fair to use every legal means at our disposal.

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Have to agree with F.M. I've got a home made magnet that cost a couple of quid to make, dozen shell deeks and a bit of ex MOD camo. the rest is down to field craft. :lol:

What am i going to do with a big haul of pigeons? I eat what i shoot and if i've got any spare i pass on to friends. :lol:

I'm there doing a good enough job for the farmer, so keeping him happy. :lol:

Edited by harryhawk
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Blimey don't say that I have just spent a bomb at UK Shootwarehouse :lol:


I have days of just standing under a tree, or even walked up, but it isn't always going to work, just like a magnet or a plapper isn't always going to work - fieldcraft is still going to be you best asset (just like fishing...)

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Blimey don't say that I have just spent a bomb at UK Shootwarehouse :D


I have days of just standing under a tree, or even walked up, but it isn't always going to work, just like a magnet or a plapper isn't always going to work - fieldcraft is still going to be you best asset (just like fishing...)

Never tried a plapper stuartp where did you get it from :lol::lol::lol::lol:

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I know where you can get a slapper!! :rolleyes:


The unanswered question regarding some of these gadgets is that, if you use them all the time, you`ll never know if you could have done just as well without them. It took me some time to be convinced I really needed a flapper, and a magic roundabout, and I`m still not sure! Sometimes I have them ready in the car, but have rarely used them. I concentrate on being under a flight line, where the birds are feeding, keeping well concealed and showing myself as little as possible. I remain to be convinced that birds can be drawn off the flight line, at any distance, if they are set on going to a particular field. The time will come, I suppose, when I can use them to my advantage. I do know one thing, these gadgets are not all things to all pigeons!

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Guest Mr Pieman

The truth is you'll NEVER really know if the gadgets make a difference. Just because you shoot 100 using them doesn't mean on the same day, without them, you'd not shoot 100. Similarly, a blank day may happen with or without the gadgetry!!


If there was a difinitive answer lots of manufacturers would probably go bust :D :blink: :blink:



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Last weekend I sat under a gnarled old oak picking off pigeons from the canopy as they headed overhead to a land in an adjacent rape field and shot 34 in 6 hours... No decoys or this that and the other... just me, the dog, a packet of Cafe creme mild, a thermos flask and a mars bar... Total cost including the cigars £ 9.75 :blink:



Sounds like heaven...

Nice one FM :D

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Nowadays people have so much disposable income.

In every walk-of-life there will be those that become obsessed with their hobby/passtime an are willing to spend lots of money on it. These are the people that usually put an ordinary activity out of reach of ordinary people, and most of the new legislation is brought on by the extremists.

Some people are willing to use cartridges at £3 a shot to shoot wildfowl at extreme ranges. You don't need many people like that on a marsh regularly to put everything out of range of normal cartridges.


BASC seem to think that these people are those they should pander to!

Edited by rjimmer
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