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use this adsl review site to compare all UK adsl providers.


You will find Bulldog beat the majority of high volume UK ISP's (Wanadoo, NTL etc) but are not the best on the market.


I use Demon Internet and find them exceptional.

demon are very good. we used them for several years, hardly any down time. but they wouldnt upgrade our area to 2mb, so we left them :rolleyes: now with E7, and they are a pile of rubbish.


LB, i believe Bark ran Bulldog for a year or 3

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BULLDOG, MORE LIKE BULLS***, i know someone who was with bulldog, they have extreamly bad customer service, and alot of problems with connections, alot of problems with them.

Well thats one persons opinion, im sure some people find they provide a good service.

You would be much better off going with Wanadoo or bt, mmore reliable, and wanadoo, currently do a 8mb connection for something like £17.99, check out the wanadoo website...


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You've got to remember that any ADSL is only as good as the BT line to your house and all ADSL runs over phone lines. They may have improved the backbone infrastructure but the wire from the street box to your house could well be the first one ever put in. The phone system, or at least the last sections of it, were designed to carry low quality voice, not high quality high speed data, therein lies the potential for trouble.

I went with Zen ADSL for a while and they were great, and unlike many their contract was just a month renewing with only a 30 day notice period, and a static IP address.

Problems that I had quite quickly were all traced back to the BT line (BT openly admitted it). Our lines run under the street and consequently couldn't easily be renewed by them.

So that was it for me with ADSL (plus I was hacked off near the end with clicking a dial-up icon all the time).

I found that for what I was paying for a BT phone line and ADSL it was £2 a month less to get 1mb B/B, telephone and basic cable tv package from NTL. The service and uptime have been fantastic, and I can always get through to them should I need to, also their billing has been fine for me so far...... and no more dialup icons to click. PC Boots up and you just open explorer..

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