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primers in 12gauge


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I was given a Redding shotgun reloader which is an excellent piece of kit even if its bit dated. I was also given 20kgs of shot and managed to get some red and greed dot at an excellent price from a mate. I bought a selection of wads and cheddite primers so off I go. Now I have a selection of used cases an have measured them for wad length and have got the crimp perfect. On priming I have noticed the primers are a bit loose in the pocket so I discard these cases, do the pockets have to be sized or cleaned in any way. ( ps I have a manual but doesnt state primer pocket treatment, just inserting primers)

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The MEC supersizer, adjusted right down will squeeze the UEE pocket enough. I have been known to use an incising punch to peen the basewad from the inside. Also, in addition, I have super-glued the blighters in!


Note: CCI Claybusters are now in a Cheddite type case!

Edited by Floating Chamber
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Hi floating Chamber, have you found those Redding bushins for me yet or you still battling your way to the back of your shed :good:

I have just done the very same as you suggested, just scratched up the inside of the pocket slightly with a scribe, perfik. I have a load of Eley hiflyers and 9 out of 10 primers fit nicely, I have to titivate the odd one. Probably good idea to go down the local skeet ground and pick up some cases.

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Hi floating Chamber, have you found those Redding bushins for me yet or you still battling your way to the back of your shed :good:

I have just done the very same as you suggested, just scratched up the inside of the pocket slightly with a scribe, perfik. I have a load of Eley hiflyers and 9 out of 10 primers fit nicely, I have to titivate the odd one. Probably good idea to go down the local skeet ground and pick up some cases.

Oops! I forgot! 'Just asked the bride to remind me to look tomorrow when I fetch in the crumpets for breakfast!
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Hi floating Chamber, have you found those Redding bushins for me yet or you still battling your way to the back of your shed :good:

I have just done the very same as you suggested, just scratched up the inside of the pocket slightly with a scribe, perfik. I have a load of Eley hiflyers and 9 out of 10 primers fit nicely, I have to titivate the odd one. Probably good idea to go down the local skeet ground and pick up some cases.

Make sure they are dry though, not just look dry. The ones in the skip will probably have been rained on and the water gets into the cardboard base wad even though it doesn't show. Only pick up cases you know have been shot that day. Or all plastic cases.

Edited by Vince Green
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Make sure they are dry though, not just look dry. The ones in the skip will probably have been rained on and the water gets into the cardboard base wad even though it doesn't show. Only pick up cases you know have been shot that day. Or all plastic cases.


There aren't many cases now with paper basewads, but, sure as hell, if I picked up a wet case it would have one! A slack primer can come adrift in a semi-auto. I've seen this several times recently - especially with Cheddite primers when fitted to UEE cases.


Hi Derek!

Edited by Floating Chamber
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I've been reloading 410 Eley cases recently, and I too had problems with primers fitting into the pockets. (I'm depriming with a pointy metal thing with a section 1 reloader 1/2" mount, with the base of the shell in a shell holder, so no automatic resizing). I find that a gentle squeeze of the case base with a pair of pliers will tighten the primer pocket enough for the little **** to stay in there. (I assume these carts will still fit my gun as the squeeze is only gentle, though I've not actually tried this yet to confirm!)

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I made something similar. It is a one-piece punch which goes inside the hull. The hull is placed on a hard flat surface and the end of the punch is given a sharp smack with a mallet. The inward facing circular 'cutter' reduces the aperture in the base-wad, allowing a tight fit.

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