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Ok Will here goes...


Good to meet you and the gang yesterday, I will be out tomorrow so if we don't get 100+ birds I will be bringing all that kit back :rolleyes: B)


The weather looks OK, I am guessing grey and bit windy is the best? or have I fallen at the first hurdle? :*)

Stuart: You should be out there TODAY. Its windy. Pigeon love windy day longtime.


Tomorrows forecast is 5 mph wind and bright sunshine. Not good.

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Ahh the the old get out clause!


I thought these magnet's pulled them in from mainland Europe if the it wasn't windy enough in England..


As I was driving round the country shopping yesterday I have to work today, otherwise they will give my desk to an Indian bloke.


The wind <should> be 9mph tomorrow so lets see what that brings, if I get bored I will zero my .223 up against anything I can find :rolleyes:

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This part of the forum has gone very dead after the last little fiasco......speak up guys...its ok to take off the tin hats.


ooh did i miss a fight? :rolleyes:


Will, the Pigeons came, fab kit mate, should be hitting the woodies once the wildfowl season is finished, look forward to having almost as much kit as Highlander (if thats possible) which I doubt B)



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Will, the Pigeons came, fab kit mate, should be hitting the woodies once the wildfowl season is finished, look forward to having almost as much kit as Highlander (if thats possible) which I doubt B)



Quite right...as I always say...he who dies with the most toys WINS :lol:


As for 'hitting the woodies' pavman dream on :rolleyes:

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Anyone roost shooting?


Has anybodyelse had problems getting the deeks of trees after roost shooting. We've had to make a "funnel like" device to get to the lofting hooks.


Do you bother with deeks for roost shooting?


I do but only on small woody areas near my hide when deeks are over rape etc, when they come in to roost I have found no need. I use an old fishing pole to loft my deeks and have no probs.

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Beg to differ with you on that one, as quite often, the large flock doesn't do a U turn when shot at, particularly over rape, but carries straight on past you on towards the next field of rape that they can already see in the distance, and where they know they will be able to feed quite happily all day because Mr P. Shooter has not done his homework and made sure one of his mates is covering the next field.


That's why Winter Rape shooting is so frustrating, and I don't generally bother going out on my own.



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I agree with you on that one. What I was trying to stress is that shooting at a large flock allows no opportunity for any of those frightened birds to return. They MAY be on their way to another field, but this isn`t necessarily so. I`ve left large flocks before now and some have returned in smaller groups. I`ve seen very large flocks split up in mid air and go in opposire directions, with many groups of twos and threes scattering in all directions, to settle in trees, and then come to my deeks. One thing I`ve learnt over the years is that you can`t be dogmatic about pigeon behaviour.

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