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Last Nights Fox


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I live in an old farm house with a couple of old barns and about 3/4 acre of gardens. About 2 miles away from any other house.


I have bought some bantams, just a trio but they were becoming quite funny little characters. Since having them we have noticed an increased amount of fox **** all over the garden so I was getting a bit nervous. The coop had two doors on it both with locks so the chickens were quite safe(at least thats what i thought) it also had a slide out tray at the bottom for cleaning which i keep struggling to pull out.


While out running in the evenings I told our closest neighbours that we had a fox problem and would soon be dealing with it, to which they had no objections. We also have a holiday let so made them aware of what may be heard.


Yesterday when i went to let the chickens out i was met with the pull out tray half pulled out which meant the chickens could get out through a 2 inch gap under the coop after being scared by what ever was pulling on the tray. You don't have to be a genius to work out what had happened but it wasn't pretty.


So last nite me and a mate went to the local permission on the hunt for a rabbit, which we found soon enough and returned to my front garden. I placed it in the middle of the garden as it was under my bedroom window and was also lit by PIR activated light.


I watched the inbetweeners and my dad said he was off to bed, as he walked the back garden window he sed get your lamp i think i saw something. I rushed upstaires to where i had the gun and lamp set up for the front garden. As i picked up lampi i thought i best check the front garden, there she was!!!! Just about to rush off with the rabbit in her gob. I picked the gun up and fired two quick shots from about 20 yards straight to head and neck. She dropped on the spot so i rushed down to have a look.


Here she is with the rabbit, Thanks for reading ( if you have made it this far lol)



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Good job you did there. :good:

What you have to remember is that foxes are opportunistic and as soon as you create a "void" in an area by killing the "resident" fox another will quite quickly take over the territory, especially if there is a ready food source available, so you might have an ongoing job there if there is a reasonable fox population in your area mate!

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well we have lived there since febuary and its only the last month or so that they have been visiting the garden every night. Obviously the chickens bringing them in. I will obviously up the strength of the coop its self and look forward to helping reduce the population. Thanks for the comments guys.


Although I have a .22wmr which would of been a stronger shot I felt that at such close range and being so close to the house the .22lr would be quieter and gave me the quick follow up shot which ensured the kill.


Gonna try for another tonight. Being an electrician i thought of rigging a PIR up that was linked to a light in my bedroom or a radio that could wake me up lol

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