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Beretta Question


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Ive just ben given a brand new Beretta Ultralight.

Now i know this is a light weight alloy actioned gun and that perhaps my usual cartridges(32-34g of 5/6 shot) arent gonna be the best to put through it.



What would be the best cartrighe weight/type to use with it.




Many Thanks





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are you 7 stone soaking wet or 15 stone and stocky?


if the later then.."man up"....it'll fire anything 2 3/4" - i've put mini mags through mine, (although i have to say the day i tried this on the geese i did think it had pierced my shoulder! :yes: )


try a few and see what suits, 32g 6's are fine in mine....



edit to say - how do you get given one of those? :blush: lucky beggar!


2nd edit, it was mini mags and they are for 70mm (2 3/4" i think!)

Edited by gixer1
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Judging from the intended uses I would not use much above a 28grm No6. which should be perfectly adequate for walked up game. Your non-toxic loads may be a little heavier and a couple of shot sizes bigger.


The maximum load will be governed by the proof markings on the gun matched to the cartridge box details. The gun will take 32grm loads (and bigger) all day long but do you want the extra recoil for little practical benefit on most shots? You could safely use 2 3/4" 36grm loads for geese for example but they will produce more recoil in the lighter gun.


My Boss, a petite lady, uses a Beretta Lightweight and has dropped from her usual 32grm to 28grm loads now. She still performs exceptionally well with it, gets clean kills and has a lot nicer day out thanks to the reduced recoil.

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Cartridge choice gets personal as well as practical, a lot is in the mind...but there is a lot of choice out there as well.


As has been said, try a few carts, bigger isn't slways better, point them in the right place and things fall down/drop out of the sky! ???

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