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What have they been eating?


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Evening all,


I crowned three Pigeons tonight. One of them (a small one) had a crop full of shot sized, dark claret coloured seeds of some kind and another had a crop full of bright red, peanut sized/shaped berries.


Can someone please tell me what plant each of these are probably from, etc?


Please excuse my newbie's ignorance, and thanks.



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Evening all,


I crowned three Pigeons tonight. One of them (a small one) had a crop full of shot sized, dark claret coloured seeds of some kind and another had a crop full of bright red, peanut sized/shaped berries.


Can someone please tell me what plant each of these are probably from, etc?


Please excuse my newbie's ignorance, and thanks.




Red ones hawthorn berries


Claret colour elderberriers


Cheers OTH

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talking peas.


i caught a rainbow trout in a dam, only a little shallow dam Eairy Dam foxdale {google earth is your friend} anyway i gutted it.


it had half a dozen green peas in it, where do you think the peas come from, i worked it out on the way home.

Edited by manxman2
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the only shot sized seed i can think of is rape seed and weed seed could be one of them because only this morning i saw pigeons decending onto a field at the side of the M56 and i was stopped in traffic so had a good look at the field and it turned out to be a turned in rape stubble;i know this because it was a field of winter rape last year and there was some rape stalks still sticking out of the ground remmanats of summer harvest and autumn plough . but it could be something else;just my theory :D

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the only shot sized seed i can think of is rape seed and weed seed could be one of them because only this morning i saw pigeons decending onto a field at the side of the M56 and i was stopped in traffic so had a good look at the field and it turned out to be a turned in rape stubble;i know this because it was a field of winter rape last year and there was some rape stalks still sticking out of the ground remmanats of summer harvest and autumn plough . but it could be something else;just my theory :yes:



Im with you rape seed ,shot a few today stuffed with very muddy rape seed :D

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I maybe not right with elderberry are you sure its a hard seed type or soft ,I woundt call rape seed claret colour black yes claret no.


Or it could BE one of the many weed seeds charlock is very simlary to rape seed but rarely gets to seed stage.


Kind regards OTH

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the only shot sized seed i can think of is rape seed ...

I thought they looked like rapeseed, but the dark claret colour and the fact the harvesting was a while ago made me think they may be something else. I guess the colour could have come from something else in the crop, I wasn't giving it a full forensic (had just eaten myself).



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talking peas.


i caught a rainbow trout in a dam, only a little shallow dam Eairy Dam foxdale {google earth is your friend} anyway i gutted it.


it had half a dozen green peas in it, where do you think the peas come from, i worked it out on the way home.



And this was ducks eating all night, and then the peas going str8 thru them and into the dam when spending the daylight on the water..


i saw the ducks landing in them on the way home.

Edited by manxman2
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