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Vostock MU6


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I remember a review which described them as a gun built to last several lifetimes. They are solid, plain and ugly.


Obviously condition is unknown, but can we assume it is in good nick? Bit of a niche market, but I would have a stab and say £1500 plus.

Edited by Gordon R
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I remember a review which described them as a gun built to last several lifetimes. They are solid, plain and ugly.


Obviously condition is unknown, but can we assume it is in good nick? Bit of a niche market, but I would have a stab and say £1500 plus.



Yes the gun is in very good condition, not mint mint but very close. As you say it is a niche market.

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Bought one back in the nineties off a guy who was going to smash it

because it double discharged on him all the time 200 quid showed it

to another guy who fixed it by double opening it without firing it ?,then

messing with the trigger? he offered me 600 quid for it, :yes::hmm: SOLD.

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My first shotgun was a Vostok MU6 (i believe), it was previously my dads, who bought it for very little about 30 years ago believing it was a Baikal (was registered on his and my SGC as such), then when it came to my ownership of the gun, I was curious about it. Then discovering it was perhaps the exact opposite of a Baikal.


Lovely gun that will never be sold, the build quality on it is top notch and despite being straight hand stock, double trigger, non ejector with the shortest stock i have ever shot, i still loved it and shot well with it.


I would keep it personally, they are guns with character.

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