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Lurchers and Whippets


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Made another quick call last night before the ministry office closed. It seems that when my " Permit to Train And Conduct Field Trials Out of Season" arrives, I will not only be able to work the beagle and springer on rabbits but It appears Paul and I can run his lurcher (or a lurcher pup) under the permit as well. This means I can basically run all year, just can't harvest during the closed season.


BAD DOGGY I told you not to scare the poor poor bunnies to death. <_<:) B) :lol:


Honest officer I told the doggie, only pick the bunnies up between September and March. :lol::lol::lol::P

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LEMMY (new pup)


I've had lemmy now for 30 hours and if he has enjoyed these few hours we've had together as much as i have (and i do believe hae has) he should be the happyest little fella for miles.

We are getting on great together and with my limited knowlage of pup's i think he's begining to see me as alpha 1 . So far Lemmy go's outside to do all his "buisiness". He follows me around a lot of the time and seems to look back to see if i'm near when he's off playing,

Too sum up i'm really happy.

I'll post more info when he go's to sleep as i have 1 on on my typeing and 1 on lemmy.( i dont like to use the puppy pen . during the day when i'm in)


all the best yis yp :ph34r:

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Lemmy update

OOOOOOO We got jabbed Yesterday woof bark YELP that was no fun what so ever me dad says he loves me but......:lol:? I did'nt like that .

Today i have been up to my Grandma's she has two dogs they are much older than me and have beards . The younger one of the two likes to play but when i get up to full play mode and bark he doe's not like it .... i think he might be a lady dog in a bloke dog (like me) body. huh no fun ! . I have had a great time i sleep on there beds and P in there space .....HA !!! When Grandma has put me in my "pen" in the laundry room i just jump out of the pen! My dad says the pen stands 22 1/2 inch's tall . I enjoy a good howl to make sure Grandma knows i've got out. lol !!! I got home and my dad went out to play with his freinds , he's told me they go climbing , and i stayed with my mum. I heard my mum saying that i have been out for 3 P's and a poo ! I guess thats kind of good ? Any way dad has just fed me some nice supper , i sit down before my dad give's me my supper. This seems to make him happy ? Can't understand why :/??Any way i'm tierd now so i'll go to my basket ! But i'll wait 'till my dad go's to bed and start howling. When he ignors me I'll log back on and look at some bitches!!!!!MMMMMMMMMm bitches!


all the best yis LEMMY !

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Sounds like a great day nttf. Did the greyhound X strike or just course the rabbits ?


Lemmy update


Well now my dad has left the computer i can write some words about my last couple of weeks.

Dad put this thing round my neck the other week it itched like mad , but i'm kinda used to it now . Dad says he's going to worm me tonight......this sounds painful :lol::/:lol::lol: ...he told me not to worry about it , as i am such a greedy pup that i wont even know it was a worming tablet.

This long piece of "rope" came out this week my dad calls it a lead i think. I like to call it 'orrible . When dad clips it to my collar i lie down and wont move haha , i also like to bite it a lot. My dad says i have to get used to it so he's going to put me on the lead when i'm having my dinner.



all the best yis LEMMY !!!!

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Our rabbit season is closed right now, so I had a long talk with Kitta before I cut her loose and told her not to grab any of the rabbits. :lol: It was a good thing I decided to run her with a cage muzzel, because she is more than willing to strike and carry. You should see her go after stray cats. And before anybody starts this is something that she does around the farm on her own not something that we go out and persue. She did great the other day, and I think I may have to try and find a dog of my own, we'll see in the future.

I'm glad Lemmy is doing so good, but why is your dad being so mean to you lately? :/:lol::lol::lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Skipped off the field dog training today and ran the lurcher instead. Managed 9 runs in about 3 hrs. There are lots of European Hair about lately aswell as cotton tails. This is quite an addictive sport.


Columbus: How is your GWP doing?


Brooktrout: Have you finally ended up in the dog house with a new lurcher pup yet?


YP: It's time for another Lemmy update, and has your father managed to get rid of your worms yet? ;):D???

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I did'nt have worms , its an English thing they give pups worming tablets all the time.

I have been having great fun.. i don't take a bit of notice my dad says ;):D he seems to get a bit mad about that , he does'nt shout at me though , so i guess he can't be that mad ??? .

I enjoy sleeping a lot still. My dad says he's going to take me to the vets again this tuesday for another injection . ggggrrrrr . Dad also says when i've had my injection he's going to take me up to where he works for the day , i'm looking forward for that .

Anyway i have to go as i'm sleepy


have fun LEMMY !!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Lemmy has been jabbed up a week now. We have been going out for walks over the horse gallops. Which we have both enjoyed very much (well i have and thats all that counts ??? ) The young fella is not too bad on the lead , but still pulls quite a bit but early days , the pullin shows he's keen . Dare i say this...:devil: mmmmm i will ... off the lead the young fella seems to know what i want him to do i.e. hunt behind and walk too heal . Plent of time for the bad habbits to start.

The other day i took him for a walk and the recall was just not working. So as advised by a long time "dogger" i walked off and hid behind a hedge, where i could see the dog. When he realised that i had gone he ran one way to where the gallops have a 90* corner and looked down there he ran the other way looking for me all the time becoming more and more frantic , in the end he came through the hedge and found me. So far i have had no more recall problems after that .


all the best yis yp :ph34r:

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  • 5 weeks later...

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