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Modena shells

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Bought a few thousand of these at Swillington Shooting Supplies at Leeds this week, after someone on here mentioning them. £128 per thousand for 7.5s - plastic wad.


Tried some this morning. Nice clean kills, very similar to Eley Olympics. After dusting the first 35 clays, I commented that they were impressive, with the exception of the one without any lead in it.


Barrels were clean afterwards. Very slightly punchy compared to Eley.


Excellent value for money.

Edited by Gordon R
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It is my understanding that they have one grain of powder more than Olympics but otherwise the same. I like them very much and will use them until they get their price hiked by greedy manufacturers.

What is the current excuse for the high prices? If we can buy these at £128 why are other shells in the £200 region? Quality or greed?

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I boght some of these recently and have been using them as well as some eley olympics i bought, paid slightly more money at £133 per thou (cross gun club) and £136 per thou sportsmans think I'll keep buying em.

Edited by HDAV
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No, pressure, in bars. I'll get it done.

Can you explain a bit please? Do you have the ability to test the ammunition? Also what the information can tell you to how the carts perform please. If I was close enough to you I would give you some to test.

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It's about time you started using it for the greater good :xmas:


Me first :santa:


Want to trade? 'thought about selling it to b682 or Peter Lawman.


Simple to use. Load it, screw down the lead 'crusher' in the yoke, fire the gun. Measure the height of the now crushed lead, look up this height on the chart (provided) and read off the chamber pressure in Tons/sq. inch. Put a chrono in front of it and you have everything!


JRS wanted to buy it but I've heard nowt for months!

Edited by Floating Chamber
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Want to trade? 'thought about selling it to b682 or Peter Lawman.


Simple to use. Load it, screw down the lead 'crusher' in the yoke, fire the gun. Measure the height of the now crushed lead, look up this height on the chart (provided) and read off the chamber pressure in Tons/sq. inch. Put a chrono in front of it and you have everything!


JRS wanted to buy it but I've heard nowt for months!



No, but I'd pay you to test a couple for me :santa:

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