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Firefighters Strike


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Too right! When people join the Army they know they are going to get their limbs blown off or be killed. In addition to which, the Army is well known for it`s excessive public sector pay and most squaddies receive a bloated pension out of all proportion to the job they`ve been doing.


Actually, there might just be a bit more to it than your rather simplistic overview.


You obviously don't have a flipping clue what you're talking about - nice to know the boys and girls are putting their lives on the line (yes, of course they know they are) for the likes of you to sit at home and write compete dribble like that :angry:


Bloated pension out of proportion to the job they've been doing? The country needs people like you like a hole in the head.


You mate, are a ***** of the highest order!

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You obviously don't have a flipping clue what you're talking about - nice to know the boys and girls are putting their lives on the line (yes, of course they know they are) for the likes of you to sit at home and write compete dribble like that :angry:


Bloated pension out of proportion to the job they've been doing? The country needs people like you like a hole in the head.


You mate, are a ***** of the highest order!


:innocent::lol::good: :good: :good::yes:


look up sarcasm in the dictionary

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How many people lose their lives on bonfire night every year ?


How many firefighters lose their lives every year ?


How many people in (add your job title) die every year ?


I work for £28K a year, over 48 hrs if you have a theory of how much I am worth, place yourself in a building alight or in a car upside down or a multi storey building that has had a plane flown into it and tell me I am not worth it.


BTW - I am also ex-forces(Falklands etc.)



No theory here, but I guess Firefighter as a collective have one which is more than you get now. Most of the world believe that they are under paid or conditions aren't good enough or that shift patterns are unfair. I just think that strikes are an out of date way of protesting and doesn't work anymore.


PS love your work dont take this as an attack on firefighters from me, more an attack on union action.


PPS how many men die in mines in Africa each year for less, so I don't think how many people die in a year is a good measure of worth. In fact there is no standard of worth.



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fact is you could run the fire service with less men and less cost.


when the country has loads of money then largesse on the public services is fine.


now we are skint these cuts are inevitable, so striking is pointless.


Were you sarcastic here too, if not please explain ?

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Were you sarcastic here too, if not please explain ?


no i was being serious.


its nothing personal, firefighters do a great job and i have one as a friend.


the public services all need reorganising to be more efficient because we only have finite resources to pay for it all.


but striking is not the answer.

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PPS how many men die in mines in Africa each year for less, so I don't think how many people die in a year is a good measure of worth. In fact there is no standard of worth.



OK lets try it a bit lower then...............

How many people die trying to save your *** in mines every year compared to those who go into a burning building when others are going out ?

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no i was being serious.


its nothing personal, firefighters do a great job and i have one as a friend.


the public services all need reorganising to be more efficient because we only have finite resources to pay for it all.


but striking is not the answer.


fact is you could run the fire service with less men and less cost.


Explain the above then please ?

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OK lets try it a bit lower then...............

How many people die trying to save your *** in mines every year compared to those who go into a burning building when others are going out ?



What I am saying is there is no equation to someones worth in a job. Scales of how many people die etc doesn't really work well. I guess if you compare to a squadie probably gets paid less than a firefighter and is actively shot at everyday they are on tour, you may have a good week and not be in danger every second of the day. I guess my point is you can't compare the two jobs, either is more or less as dangerous than the other but you can't say one is worth more than the other.


I do really value our fire service, a fire in my home is one of the things that gives me nightmares. Just disagree with strikes.



Edited by reddan
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whilst I have some sympathy for firemen and do appreciate the job they do, perhaps they should also realise that not everyone has a job that allows anything other than a thank god for that, and let me get to bed after a 12 hour shift, let alone be still capable of doing another "full time job" so are they really that bad off?



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because there is only so much money to provide a service.


therefore you must cut your cloth according to your means.


No worries then, if you are upside down in a car on fire and only one wtl turns up due to "cutting cloth" do you expect a firefighter to risk his life or wait until the second attending appliance gets there ? no ? Well lets just see what happens then, they will attempt to save your life even though they don`t have to due to "Fire & rescue orders" see Tam Brown and his river rescue, he wasn`t obliged to do it and you want a fire and rescue service to save your sorry *** if you get into trouble.


Pay peanuts and get a monkey my friend.

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What I am saying is there is no equation to someones worth in a job. Scales of how many people die etc doesn't really work well. I guess if you compare to a squadie probably gets paid less than a firefighter and is actively shot at everyday they are on tour, you may have a good week and not be in danger every second of the day. I guess my point is you can't compare the two jobs, either is more or less as dangerous than the other but you can't say one is worth more than the other.


I do really value our fire service, a fire in my home is one of the things that gives me nightmares. Just disagree with strikes.




Sorry doesn`t bear up to scrutiny my friend, I was in the RN for 12 years and saw action in the Falklands, in 20+ in the fire service I know which is the more dangerous.

If someone wants you to work a different set of shifts, why do they have to sack you first ??


"You there, Lackie, sign this, we`ll talk terms after" .......................... 2 words 3 F`s.

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No worries then, if you are upside down in a car on fire and only one wtl turns up due to "cutting cloth" do you expect a firefighter to risk his life or wait until the second attending appliance gets there ? no ? Well lets just see what happens then, they will attempt to save your life even though they don`t have to due to "Fire & rescue orders" see Tam Brown and his river rescue, he wasn`t obliged to do it and you want a fire and rescue service to save your sorry *** if you get into trouble.


Pay peanuts and get a monkey my friend.


i didnt realise that paying more money makes people want to save lives more.


and no i dont expect someone to save me from all the mishaps of life.

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No worries then, if you are upside down in a car on fire and only one wtl turns up due to "cutting cloth" do you expect a firefighter to risk his life or wait until the second attending appliance gets there ? no ? Well lets just see what happens then, they will attempt to save your life even though they don`t have to due to "Fire & rescue orders" see Tam Brown and his river rescue, he wasn`t obliged to do it and you want a fire and rescue service to save your sorry *** if you get into trouble.


Pay peanuts and get a monkey my friend.



There is always slack in administration. Its pen pushers people don't want to pay for, not frontline firemen.

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Sorry doesn`t bear up to scrutiny my friend, I was in the RN for 12 years and saw action in the Falklands, in 20+ in the fire service I know which is the more dangerous.

If someone wants you to work a different set of shifts, why do they have to sack you first ??


"You there, Lackie, sign this, we`ll talk terms after" .......................... 2 words 3 F`s.


Sadly there is no strike for me and many others, management wants to change your shifts or pension they just do it, its written into our contracts that they can vary our terms as they see fit. In private sector there is no talk terms after, there is no talk at all.

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i didnt realise that paying more money makes people want to save lives more.


and no i dont expect someone to save me from all the mishaps of life.


OK it`s simple, usually you work a 10 hr dayshift, some do a 9, then gaffer says, we`ll sack you and re-employ on new terms of 12 hrs, that means you will have to get another 2-3 hrs of child care and so be it as we want you to work this system as it suits us and doesn`t cost us.


That any easier?


Lastly, please tell us how to

...... run the fire service with less men and less cost.
Please, we are all ears !
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There is always slack in administration. Its pen pushers people don't want to pay for, not frontline firemen.


Sorry, but it will be frontline you will lose, end of.


Sadly there is no strike for me and many others, management wants to change your shifts or pension they just do it, its written into our contracts that they can vary our terms as they see fit. In private sector there is no talk terms after, there is no talk at all.



In a few words, you have then been sold out by your union, if you have one, if not then they are your terms not mine.

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Sorry, but it will be frontline you will lose, end of.






In a few words, you have then been sold out by your union, if you have one, if not then they are your terms not mine.



I don't get your comment about your terms not mine, what do you mean?



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OK it`s simple, usually you work a 10 hr dayshift, some do a 9, then gaffer says, we`ll sack you and re-employ on new terms of 12 hrs, that means you will have to get another 2-3 hrs of child care and so be it as we want you to work this system as it suits us and doesn`t cost us.


That any easier?


Lastly, please tell us how to Please, we are all ears !


i empathise with what you are saying and i have similar issues with childcare.


if there are no areas of spare capacity why are they looking at reducing fire brigade control rooms from 46 to 9 as an example?

Edited by artschool
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.....if there are no areas of spare capacity why are they looking at reducing fire brigade control rooms from 46 to 9 as an example?


OK, they have been looking at this for years and as such ahve been losing money hand over fist £420 million to date !!!!!!

Tell me that is "Best value"


I would like to think you are ill informed, certainly your firefighter "friend" is, however, it seems that whenever a political hot potato is tossed into the ring, you jump onto it and some would cry "TROLL"

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