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Where are all the lefty liberals?


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I'm surprised none of you are on here telling us how successful the Scotland Yard "Gaylord Approach to Riot Control" has been in keeping a group of teenagers in check!




See what happens when "protesters" know they are going to get an easy ride? They start lobbing fire extinguishers and concrete off rooftops.



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I actually walked past/through the front of Millbank today while this was happening and I think shy of causing significant injuries to both protesters and the police they did the best in the situation. Those involved in trashing the place, cauisng fires etc should be utterly ashamed of their actions as they have destroyed public perception of students in general which I think is a real shame.


Of course you will disagree, but hey you didn't see what was happening up close.

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Bit of a farce due to the fact the news is focusing on the violence and not the reason behind the march.


However I can say for a fact that as somebody in the upper 6th form who is going to uni. next year that feelings are running VERY high on this matter. We were not the ones who caused this financial crisis and students already leave uni. in massive debt without shafting us any further!



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Bit of a farce due to the fact the news is focusing on the violence and not the reason behind the march.


However I can say for a fact that as somebody in the upper 6th form who is going to uni. next year that feelings are running VERY high on this matter. We were not the ones who caused this financial crisis and students already leave uni. in massive debt without shafting us any further!




I was tempted to go, kind of glad i didn't now. People go to these things and use an excuse to escelate the situation. Most causes resort to violence once they have tried peacefully and been shut down. This is the first demonstration and they have jsut damaged the cause. Which is a shame as theres no way i can afford a £9K tutuion fee.

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It's just like the 80s. I'm wearing my old donkey jacket in sympathy. Bring out Billy Bragg.

I have to support it now I'm a (rather mature) student again at agricultural college.

Whoever threw that fire extinguisher was a bit of a *** 'though.


Having just watched some interviews with my 'fellow' students, I feel I should revise my post.

What I meant to say was:


It's, like, just like the 80s. I'm like wearing my old donkey jacket like in sympathy. Like bring out Billy Bragg.

I like have to support it now I'm a (like rather mature) student again at like agricultural college.

Whoever like threw that like fire extinguisher was like a bit of a *** 'though.

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Iv just seen the footage on the 10 o'clock news... :blink:

What the hell were that bunch of nobbers playing at?! A demonstration (well a whinge) that started of peaceful turned into a seriously bad bit of publicity for the students! Are the average citizens going to have much sympathy for the 'plight' of students now? I think not!

The idiots smashing windows and the like, in front of TV cameras (school boy error never mind uni student) deserve to be prosecuted with the full weight of the law...and if it does carry on, im all for martial law being declared so I get to go play :yp:

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